Communists don't want OUN-UPA veterans' parade

RFE/RL Newsline

KYIV - The Communist Party of Ukraine has decided to set up a "headquarters to counteract the mockery of the heroism and memory of our grandfathers and fathers" in protest against plans to invite veterans of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN-UPA) to a march in Kyiv on May 9 to mark the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, Interfax reported.

The Communists are threatening to use "the most radical measures" to prevent "traitors of the Ukrainian people from stepping onto the festive Khreschatyk," Kyiv's main boulevard, where veterans are to march on Victory Day.

The OUN-UPA fought for Ukraine's independence against both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Army during World War II.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 8, 2005, No. 19, Vol. LXXIII

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