Husar speaks about patriarchate, dialogue with Orthodox, new pope

Religious Information Service of Ukraine

LVIV - Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGGC), spoke about the matter of a patriarchate for the UGCC and Catholic-Orthodox dialogue, as well as the possible role of Pope Benedict XVI in these matters, according to a release posted on

"I think that the key issue here is the issue of 'radical steps,'" said Cardinal Husar. "We are not expecting any radical changes in the structure of our Church, or any unforeseen new approaches. The patriarchate status is not a matter of radical change. The patriarchate, the patriarchal structure, is a normal way of existence, a normal structure of any Eastern Church with its own law [sui juris]. And every church, as it develops and grows, comes to a certain point where the completion of this structure is quite natural, and not in any way radical."

Cardinal Husar also said that he thinks Pope Benedict XVI is well acquainted with the matter of patriarchates generally, and especially the UGCC Patriarchate, since discussion of this issue in the Roman Curia was requested by the late Pope John Paul II. The cardinal also said that the issue of a UGCC Patriarchate was recognized as absolutely legitimate, not as an unheard of radical change, which is why we should expect a normal further development of the matter, especially considering that it has been developing for so many years.

"Pope John Paul II of blessed memory did more than just confirm that a Patriarchate for our Church is justified and canonically right. He said he wanted to proclaim it himself. He did not get to do this for lack of time and life. However, the matter is moving, and I can foresee no special hold-ups and difficulties in the process," said Cardinal Husar.

Cardinal Husar also expressed his thoughts on the new pope's role in the development of Catholic-Orthodox dialogue.

"I am certain that the new pope, Benedict XVI, will be interested in the issue of Christian unity," the cardinal said. "He said this unequivocally in his first address to the cardinals who gathered in Rome. It's quite natural: whoever considers himself a Christian, especially a leader of this level, cannot ignore the important matter of Christian unity. This is not a matter of personal likes, it is a matter of living according to God's law. The Church must be one: so it was conceived and founded by Jesus Christ. And every Christian, as far as they are able, should work on effectively promoting the coming together of Christians."

In addition, Cardinal Husar stressed that this dialogue should not take the form of political agreements or compromises, but rather should be a manifestation of a sincere wish to fulfill God's will together.

"The Pope of Rome cannot limit himself to one Church or some part of the needs facing it. He must be open to all needs, and the need of unity among Christians is an extremely important, significant matter," said the cardinal.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 15, 2005, No. 20, Vol. LXXIII

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