Philatelic and Numismatic Society holds stamp meet in Lehighton

by Andrew O. Martyniuk

LEHIGHTON, Pa. - Although several weeks earlier than usual, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society (UPNS) held its annual "zustrich - stamp meet. As it has for the past six years, the Ukrainian Homestead, nestled on a low hillside in the Pocono Mountains in the town of Lehighton in eastern Pennsylvania - hosted the Zustrich on April 15-17.

Why Lehighton? Although the society has discussed and solicited alternate suggestions for a meet location, none have proved feasible. The Ukrainian Homestead continues to be probably the most central location for the majority of members who attend and members in the East Coast/Midwest region. Members routinely attend from all surrounding areas: Canada, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, Ohio and of course, Pennsylvania.

Another reason Lehighton is popular for zustrich is the Ukrainian Homestead itself and its staff. Over the past seven years, the staff of the Ukrainian Homestead has taken great pains to accommodate stamp meet participants by providing affordable accommodations, delicious meals, pleasant surroundings, and great company.

In addition to the informal course held on Saturday, April 16, the UPNS held a meeting which was called to order by Ingert Kuzych, president, around 2 p.m. Dr. Kuzych announced that the society's UKRAINPEX convention will be held in conjunction with the APS Stampshow on August 4-7, in Grand Rapids, Mich.

In 2006, the UPNS will participate in two shows. The first will be the Washington 2006 international show from May 27 to June 3, 2006. This is the once-a-decade show the U.S. hosts (usually in years ending in "6"). Ukraine Post will send a representative to this show and two society members, Dr. Kuzych and Jay Carrigan, have submitted exhibits for possible inclusion in the show. UKRAINPEX will be held later next year in Chicago in conjunction with the annual APS annual Stampshow on August 24-27. This major event will also be a pan-Slavic show, so Dr. Kuzych urged all members to consider assembling exhibits so that Ukraine is well represented.

Ukraine is hosting its ninth national show, Ukrphilexp, in Kyiv on May 17-22. The last such show was held in Odesa in 2002. Val Zabijaka will be attending and representing the society at this event.

Members present also voted for the 2004 Narbut Prize - a monetary award to the artist with the best design appearing on a Ukrainian stamp issued in the previous year.

On behalf of the society, Dr. Kuzych announced that long-time member Alexander Epstein would receive an honorary membership based in large part on his philatelic research and scholarship involving classic trident overprints. The UPNS president also announced the imminent publication of a revised edition of the "Handbook of Classic Ukrainian Philately."

In closing, Dr. Kuzych announced that, due to lack of demand, the society would discontinue issuing show covers for its UKRAINPEX conventions. He also mentioned that with the passing of John Bulat several years back, the society was looking for someone to serve as a trident overprint expert. Several ideas were considered and it was decided that Mr. Zabijaka would provide such service until a permanent replacement could be found.

As has become traditional over the past several years, members present collected funds to support Ukrainskyi Filatelistychnyi Visnyk (Ukrainian Philatelic Herald), which is published by Viacheslav Anholenko and Viktor Mohylnyi in Kyiv ($135 was donated). Those members contributing $20 receive a subscription to this journal.

A special thank you was expressed to Mike Matus for contacting members and arranging this year's successful zustrich.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 22, 2005, No. 21, Vol. LXXIII

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