Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies announces major grant

TORONTO - The Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (CFUS) has announced a competition for a major research or teaching grant in the amount of $30,000 to $50,000.

The purpose of this grant is to encourage scholarly activity that not only advances the field of Ukrainian studies but also results in tangible benefits to Canadian society.

The decision to establish this grant was one of the outcomes of a daylong strategic planning session of the CFUS board of directors last October. According to CFUS President Olya Kuplowska, "The grant criteria are in keeping with the foundation's long-standing philosophy and tradition of supporting academic or scholarly projects that have strong links to the needs of the Ukrainian Canadian community. What is novel is the size of the grant - we felt it needed to be significant in order to make a difference."

This major grant is the latest addition to the foundation's inventory of programs. CFUS has been funding teaching and research in Ukrainian studies at Canadian universities since 1975. Its major beneficiaries have included the Encyclopedia of Ukraine project, the new Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine project, and the NOVA series for Ukrainian bilingual school textbooks, all of which have been based at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies.

CFUS has also awarded the Neporany Fellowship, initially as a post-doctoral research grant and since 1992 as a teaching and research grant. In addition, CFUS has provided funds for bridging university teaching positions in Ukrainian studies and for scholarly books in that field.

The new CFUS grant is to be applied over one 12-month period to a research or teaching project on a Ukrainian topic or pertaining to Ukrainian studies. The grant may be renewed the first year if the research/teaching project delivered at the end of year one is deemed to have successfully met all of the listed criteria.

Preference will be given to the following types of research or teaching projects: those that are proposed by a Canadian university or college (departments are acceptable); those whose delivery will result in benefits to Canadian society; those that respond to a priority (or priorities) in the Canadian Ukrainian community (community needs vs. academic field/agenda); those that can demonstrate other support from private and/or public sectors.

Joint ventures will be considered when the lead role is played by a Canadian university or college.

If the project has a research focus: the proposal must include clear statements of purpose, scope of research, timeframe, critical path, budget and staffing. The proposal should also identify who are the stakeholders, i.e., who stands to benefit from the research results and how. The benefits to all stakeholders during and after completion of the project should be clearly identified. The distribution of research results must be clearly outlined (i.e., how and to whom will the results be communicated). All submissions must include résumés of key personnel (i.e., those who will be carrying out the research) and their roles must be clearly outlined in the work plan of the project.

If the project has a teaching focus: the proposal must include clear statements of purpose, scope of the teaching project, timeframe, critical path, budget and staffing (who does what). The proposal should also include a sample of the course outline, if not the whole course outline. The proposal should also identify who are the stakeholders, i.e., who stands to benefit from the evaluation results in the long run and how. The benefits to all stakeholders during and after completion of the project should be clearly identified. The proposed method of course evaluation should also be described, along with how the evaluation results will be communicated and to whom.

All submissions must include résumés of key personnel (i.e., those who will be teaching) and their roles must be clearly outlined in the work plan of the project.

To be eligible for consideration, four copies of the completed submission must be received by 5 p.m. (EST) Friday, June 29, addressed to: Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies, 2336A Bloor St. W., Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario M6S 1P3.

For further information readers may contact CFUS: telelphone, (416) 766-9630; fax, (416) 766-0599; e-mail, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 29, 2005, No. 22, Vol. LXXIII

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