RFE/RL back on FM in Kyiv

PRAGUE - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Ukrainian-language broadcasts can again be heard on FM in Kyiv, after a break of nearly a year. The Ukrainian capital's most popular radio station, "Voice of Kyiv," began rebroadcasting RFE/RL Ukrainian service programs on FM 98 on May 9.

RFE/RL President Thomas A. Dine welcomed the launch, saying "this is good for Voice of Kyiv and good for RFE/RL, but above all it is good for Ukrainian listeners to have access to another source of independent news and analysis."

Mr. Dine also noted that "the revived interest of Ukrainian media in carrying RFE/RL programs reflects a dramatic change in the media climate in Ukraine under the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko." Ukrainian Service programs of RFE/RL were previously rebroadcast on FM by Ukraine's Dovira national network, but dropped under pressure from the Kuchma regime in February 2004, prior to the contentious fall 2004 presidential elections.

"Voice of Kyiv" airs RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service programs two hours daily in prime time. A live morning show, "Morning Liberty," produced in RFE/RL's Kyiv bureau is on the air from 06:00 to 06:55 [03:00-03:55 UTC]. "Evening Liberty," a nightly, call-in talk show is broadcast five times a week from 20:00 to 20:55 (17:00-17:55 UTC). The show is moderated from RFE/RL's Prague operations center and features two guests of opposing views in Ukraine.

RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service Director Alexander Narodetsky said, "the impact of 'Voice of Kyiv' is already significant, with many listeners from Kyiv calling in comments, whereas previously we had no calls from Kyiv listeners."

Outside of Kyiv, RFE/RL Ukrainian-language broadcasts can be heard on shortwave and satellite and, in Kharkiv and several other cities, on FM, AM, UKW and cable radio frequencies. The Ukrainian Service is actively working to expand partnerships with other radio stations, in an effort to achieve nationwide FM coverage for RFE/RL Ukrainian language broadcasting.

RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service broadcasts nearly seven hours of programming a day Monday through Friday, and three hours every Saturday and Sunday, with programs produced in Prague and the service's Kyiv Bureau. Ukrainian Service programming is available via the Internet at the service's website www.radiosvoboda.org and at www.rferl.org.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 5, 2005, No. 23, Vol. LXXIII

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