Reznik notes UCCA's anniversary

Following is the text of greetings from Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, Mykhailo Reznik, on the occasion of the UCCA's 65th anniversary.

Dear Friends:

It is my pleasure to greet the UCCA on this glorious occasion. Many times during my tenure in the United States I have had the opportunity to witness your authority and patriotism. During my work as a Ukrainian diplomat it has been a pleasure to count on the understanding and support of such a politically active organization as the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

The UCCA, together with Ukraine and Ukrainians throughout the world, is experiencing exciting times. More than one generation of Ukrainians has dreamt of living in momentous times such as these. More than one generation has departed from this world with the unanswered question lingering: Will there ever be a glorious time where the Ukrainian nation will determine its own destiny? Today this time has arrived - and not merely because of fate, but because of the choice of the Ukrainian people. Let us be conscious of the dreams and aspirations of our ancestors. Let us not allow this historical moment to be overshadowed by grandiose words and declarations.

Ukraine and the United States - these two nations were destined to be partners. Today they are united in their common ideals and interests in the global arena. All the fundamental requirements exist for a Ukraine-U.S. partnership to become an effective attribute in international relations for years to come. And this can only become reality when we begin to work on these goals in a public-diplomatic manner, as well as in an official one. The UCCA is a shining example of how effective such work can be.

As you are aware, the retirement age in Ukraine is 65. However, when it comes to the UCCA this law does not apply. You celebrate this jubilee under ideal political conditions - you are youthful, active and success-oriented.

Wishing you continued strength in these momentous times! May the youthful, energetic and noble spirit of the maidan fill your hearts.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 5, 2005, No. 23, Vol. LXXIII

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