Ukraine's Mission to the U.N. organizes Chornobyl Charity Bazaar

UNITED NATIONS - The traditional Chornobyl Charity Bazaar took place on April 26 at the United Nations Headquarters at the initiative of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations.

This charity event once again drew the attention of the international community to the Chornobyl tragedy - the worst technological catastrophe in the history of humanity, the 19th anniversary of which was marked recently.

As usual, numerous delegates from U.N. member-states, representatives of the U.N. Secretariat and attendees from various countries took part in this event, tasting Ukrainian dishes and purchasing Ukrainian souvenirs.

All the money raised during the bazaar is earmarked for hospitals in Ukraine where children from the Chornobyl zone are treated.

The participation of the Ukrainian community in this event has become a tradition. The Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations expressed gratitude "to all our friends for fruitful cooperation." The Ukrainian Mission singled out Julian Baczynsky, Andriy Ilnytsky, Bohdan Kekish, Nicholas and Mariya Drobenko, Dora Genza, Nadiya Sawczuk, Nina Nenadkevych and Tamara Denysenko for their involvement in the 2005 Chornobyl Charity Bazaar.

The mission also thanked Marta Kokolskyj for her energetic efforts and invaluable contribution to the organization and successful conduct of Chornobyl bazaars for about 10 years.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 5, 2005, No. 23, Vol. LXXIII

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