Ukrainian National Women's League of America holds 27th convention

by Tamara Stadnychenko

ALBANY, N.Y. - The Ukrainian National Women's League of America hosted its most recent triennial convention on May 27-30 in Albany, N.Y., with the participation of more than 250 UNWLA members from all regions of the United States.

The four-day event included an intensive schedule of seminars, working meetings, elections and social events. As in previous years, members of the UNWLA and others were recognized for service to the organization and to the Ukrainian community at large, as well as for their individual accomplishments.

The convention officially opened with a national board meeting held on Friday, May 27. UNWLA President Iryna Kurowyckyj opened the meeting with a request for a moment of silence to honor the memory of the late Barbara Bachynsky, the UNWLA's Social Welfare Committee chair, who passed away suddenly on May 10. Following a prayer for the success of the convention, minutes of the preceding board meeting were read and board members presented their respective reports on work accomplished since the previous convention.

The first of many interesting programs scheduled for all convention attendees was held on Friday evening and featured a panel on "Ukrainian Women in the Media." The program began with introductory remarks by Renata Zajac, who noted that "when women present news, news is different" because it becomes more people-focused, more useful and more relevant. Ms. Zajac then introduced the panel of speakers, which included Albany-based Channel 13 co-anchor Lida Kulbida, Brama's co-founder and chief operating officer and UNWLA webmaster Hanya Krill, and Voice of America international radio broadcaster Anya Dydyk-Petrenko. Each of the speakers presented highlights of her professional history and an overview of the challenges and opportunities associated with work in the mass media.

The evening also featured a guest appearance by Rep. Maurice Hinchey of New York who represents the 22nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Formal opening ceremonies took place on Saturday, May 28. Members of the national board gathered in traditional embroidered blouses or dresses and processed into the meeting hall. UNWLA President Kurowyckyj lit the first candle of the convention candelabra, a ceremonial act that has become a hallowed tradition over the decades. The remaining candles were lit by Honorary President Anna Krawczuk; the presidents of the UNWLA's regional councils and the liaison for branches-at-large; Lilia Hryhorovych, president of Soyuz Ukrainok of Ukraine, and Maria Shkambara president of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women's organizations (WFUWO).

The first plenary session began with the verification of a quorum and a vote approving the program agenda and procedural rules. Ms. Kurowyckyj spoke of the grave responsibility of the delegates who would be making important decisions during the convention - decisions that would have an impact on the organization and its members. She discussed issues of concern to the administration and announced that the UNWLA was suspending the Milk and Roll Program that helps needy children in Ukraine.

A brief report was presented by Nadia Cwiach, who has served the UNWLA as financial secretary and as acting treasurer since the resignation of the elected treasurer in 2002. Ms. Cwiach provided a detailed breakdown of specific UNWLA funds, their purpose, and how these funds were allocated and disbursed, noting that funds designated for a specific program could not be used for any other purpose.

Dr. Joanna Ratych presented the report of the Auditing Commission, focusing on the continuing financial difficulties related to publishing Our Life magainze. Vice-President Sophia Hewryk reported that the organization's membership has stabilized and now hovers at 3,000. Questions and discussions followed.

A luncheon following the first plenary session featured performances by children from the Zorepad Dance Ensemble, directed by Ms. Kulbida, and several songs performed by the vocal ensemble Charivnyi Homin, directed by Jaroslaw Kushnir.

During the luncheon, citations were presented to UNWLA members who had served the UNWLA for 50 years or more. Recognition Awards were also presented to regional councils and branches for their significant contributions to the UNWLA.

During the afternoon plenary session, Ms. Hewryk spoke on the pattern and nature of Ukrainian immigrations to the United States and how these patterns have had an impact on the UNWLA and its membership. The session also included a discussion of parliamentary procedures and a meticulous review of the UNWLA by-laws, both chaired by parliamentarian Oksana Xenos.

Following the busy agenda of the day, delegates and guests enjoyed a festive dinner celebrating the 80th anniversary of the UNWLA. An exceptionally interesting and entertaining program highlighted the work of each UNWLA president since 1925.

Eleven women assumed the roles of the 11 women who had served as presidents to date, reciting accomplishments and expressing concerns in first-person narratives. Using words culled from speeches, letters, articles or other sources, they created portraits of women whose strengths and hopes, fears and vision have been the driving force of the organization for the last eight decades: Julia Shustakevich, Julia Jarema, Olena Lototsky, Annette Kmetz, Anastasia Wagner, Stefania Pushkar, Lidia Burachynsky, Ivanna Rozhankowsky, Maria Sawchak, Ms. Krawczuk, and Ms. Kurowyckyj.

On Sunday morning, divine liturgy was celebrated by Bishop Basil Losten of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Later that morning, many of convention participants boarded buses for a sightseeing excursion to Albany.

UNWLA elections were the order of business for the morning plenary session and the following were elected to serve for the 2005-2008 term: Iryna Kurowyckyj, president; Oxana Farion, first vice-president; Marta Danyluk, second vice-president; Sophia Hewryk, third vice-president; and Marianna Zajac, fourth vice-president.

Also elected were Lydia Babiuk, recording secretary; Christine M. Jarema, English-language corresponding secretary; Roma Shuhan, financial secretary; Renata Zajac, treasurer; Kateryna Nemyra, press; Irena Steckiw and Vera Kushnir, members-at-large.

Elected to standing committees were Daria Drozdowsky (Social Welfare), Christine Shwed (Education), Ulana Kobzar (Art/Museum), Maria Polanskyj (Student Scholarship), Olha Trytyak (Archives) and Maria Hawrylyuk (Health and Environment).

The new Auditing Committee comprises Dr. Ratych, Maria Tomorug, and Ms. Cwiach.

The keynote speaker at Sunday's luncheon was Ms. Hryhorovych, president of Soyuz Ukrainok of Ukraine and national deputy in the Verkhovna Rada. Calling the UNWLA her "philosopher's stone," Ms. Hryhorovych compared the organization's historic journey to the historic journey recently taken by Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko. She thanked the UNWLA for 80 years of support for Ukraine, saying, "You have been there for us throughout all those difficult years. You have been our ministers of defense and our ministers of culture." She also thanked the UNWLA's president for her support for Soyuz Ukrainok of Ukraine. "It was through your initiative that our organizations forged a symbolic union four years ago. It was through your intercession that the International Council of Women will be holding its 2006 conference in Kyiv," Ms. Hryhorovych underscored.

The luncheon also included a brief speech by Valentyna Borysenko, author of the newly published book "The Ukrainian Woman in History." Ms. Borysenko is currently working with Ukraine's First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko on collecting stories and testimonies of survivors of the Holodomor.

Sunday's agenda continued with concurrent seminars by Maria Polanskyj (Scholarship/Student Stipend Program); Irena Chaban, Kateryna Nemyra, and Tamara Stadnychenko (Press/Our Life); Ulana Hlynska (Branches-at-large); Irene D'Alessio and Roma Dyhdalo (Social Welfare), and Maria Pazuniak (Art/Museum).

The 27th Convention Banquet, attended by some 300 guests and delegates, began with a formal introduction of the new administration and regional council presidents. Among those attending were Consul General Serhiy Pohoreltsev and Vice-Consul Roman Ander and their wives; Anna Krawczuk, National Commander of the Ukrainian American Veterans; Michael Sawkiw, president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; Maria Shkambara, president of the WFUWO; and Ihor Gawdiak, president of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council; Roma Lisovich, treasurer of the Ukrainian National Association; and Olha Hnateyko, representing The Ukrainian Museum of New York.

An invocation was offered by Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Greetings from President George W. Bush and New York Gov. George Pataki were read by Marianna Zajac, and a congratulatory message from President Viktor Yushchenko and First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko was read by Ms. Hryhorovych.

The highlight of the banquet was the presentation of the Young Women Achievers Awards to Orysia Woloszyn Dmytrenko, Christine M. Duzyj, Vera Farmiga, Roksolana Luchkan, Lusia Strus and Nadia Tarnawsky. Three additional award recipients, Larysa Halyna Pevny, Olenka Z. Pevny and Christina Zinycz, were unable to attend.

Citations were presented to the Ukrainian credit unions of Rochester, N.Y., and New York City, for their sponsorship of the convention.

Special awards were also presented to three individuals who have contributed their skills and talents to the UNWLA's monthly publication: Dr. Ihor Magun, Marie Duplak and Lidia Bodnar-Balahutrak.

On Monday, May 30, concurrent seminars were presented by Ms. Trytyak (Archives) and Neonila Lechman (Public Relations). A seminar on education was presented by newly elected Education Chair Christine Shwed and Vera Bej, recipient of Pennsylvania's prestigious Teacher of the Year award.

The morning plenary session focused on adoption of convention resolutions, and the afternoon plenary sessions focused on miscellaneous questions and suggestions. The 27th UNWLA Convention was officially adjourned by Convention Committee Chair Marianna Zajac.

The UNWLA Convention Committee group whose task was to choreograph an interesting and memorable experience for all attending, was led by Ms. Zajac, who was ably assisted by committee members Vera Kushnir, Christine Kyfor, Ms. Staruch, Olya Drozdowycz, Luba Kushnir Dryansky, Halyna Logan, Alisa Serdiuk and Irena Skalij.

Several institutions and individuals provided generous financial support for the convention as sponsors, patrons, and benefactors. Among these were the Rochester Ukrainian Federal Credit Union, Self-Reliance (N.Y.) Federal Credit Union, the Ukrainian National Federal Credit Union of New York, Ventana DSM Corp., the Ukrainian Self Reliance New England Federal Credit Union, Andrew W. Danyluk, M.D., Eugenia Makuch, Ms. Dryansky, UNWLA Branch 95 and UNWLA Branch 99.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 12, 2005, No. 24, Vol. LXXIII

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