Georgia Branch of UCCA holds first annual meeting

by Ulana Bodnar

ATLANTA - The Georgia branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which was organized in April 2004, held its first annual membership meeting in Atlanta this year on April 9. The meeting was opened by the Chair, Dr. Ulana Bodnar, who thanked board members for their tireless work, which culminated in a successful year of activities.

After approving the agenda, Halyna Seredyuk and Oksana Foltyn were chosen as meeting chair and secretary, respectively, and the board-proposed nominating and verification committees were approved by the membership. The verification committee presented its findings to the meeting chair, who declared the meeting convened according to the organizational bylaws. The member then listened to key board reports and engaged in lively discussions.

The branch completed all work that was planned at the first board meeting in May 2004. All activities took place under the slogan "God and Ukraine," reflecting the unity of all Ukrainian religious groups in Georgia and their desire for just rule on the part of the Ukrainian government. The first three months of board activity were dedicated to organizational issues.

Also during this time and up through December 2004, the branch election steering committee worked tirelessly on the issue of Ukrainian presidential elections. After it became apparent that the Ukrainian government did not wish to open an additional voting district in Atlanta that would serve the Southeast, where many new immigrants live, the branch organized a bus that enabled voters to travel to Washington to cast their ballots and sent a monetary contribution to the demonstrators on the maidan in Kyiv.

The branch's first formal event, organized on August 29, 2004, celebrated the 13th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. One month earlier, a delegation that included members of the UCCA and the Ukrainian Women's League, met with Georgia's Gov. Sonny Purdue for the ceremonial signing of the proclamation declaring Ukrainian Independence Day in Georgia on August 24, 2004.

On November 7, 2004, the branch celebrated the anniversary of the historic events of November 1, 1918 and the 60th anniversary of the death of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky.

In December, the publishing committee disseminated its first semi-annual issue of the branch's newsletter, which included the aims and activities of the branch, a listing of board members, advertisements, etc.

In January thanks to two musicians from Chicago who wanted to assist the Ukrainian community in Georgia, Ihor Chytrij and Orest Manyk, the branch held its first annual malanka at the Sheraton Midtown Atlanta Hotel.

In March, the branch organized its last event, a celebration of the life of Taras Shevchenko, which was followed by "Zapusty," or Mardi Gras, hosted by a local musician, Roman Salo.

After board reports and discussions, the head of the nominating committee, Ms. Seredyuk, proposed the make-up of the new board, which was adopted unanimously. Elected were: Dr. Bodnar; vice-chair, Ms. Seredyuk; secretary, Maryana Delaine; treasurer, Kathy Tice; cultural affairs, Yelizaveta Bolton; auditors, Halyna Nickolyshyn, Taras Stadnitskiy and Zenon Franko; members-at-large, Diana Stawnyczy, Laryssa Temple and Rosalia Derkach. After the election, the new chair gave special thanks to Mary Marchuk, who was instrumental in the growth of the cranch and who helped immensely during its first critical year.

After the close of the annual meeting, the new board held its first meeting and delineated a work plan for the years 2005-2006.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 12, 2005, No. 24, Vol. LXXIII

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