Ukraine's ambassador to Russia comments on bilateral relations

by Maryna Makhnonos
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

MOSCOW - Some tensions between Russia and Ukraine remain after Ukraine's presidential election late last year, and this is sometimes reflected in politicians' and public activists' speeches, but bilateral economic ties are in the active development stage, Ukraine's Ambassador to Russia Mykola Biloblotskyi said on June 3.

Mr. Biloblotskyi spoke before Russian and Ukrainian journalists who cover bilateral relations between the two neighboring states during a news conference at Ukraine's Embassy in Moscow. The event was part of the ambassador's traditional public appearance to mark Journalists' Day, which is annually celebrated in Ukraine.

"Sometimes Ukrainian-Russian relations lack tolerance. The reasons are produced by certain politicians, public organizations and even officials," Mr. Biloblotskyi said. "Of course, some emotions remain regarding the new Ukrainian (presidential) elections. But we should not take the path of passions and blame our future projects."

Mr. Biloblotskyi added that many problems still exist in bilateral relations between the two states, but both countries' officials and diplomats had worked hard to build substantial ground to solve them. He added that the existence of problems does not mean that everything has to be started from scratch.

"There is no alternative to a strategic partnership between our states. That's not my personal opinion, but our president's conviction," Mr. Biloblotskyi said. "We are eternal strategic partners, we have common frontiers, and we are linked forever."

The main proof of positive trends in the two countries' ties is their economic cooperation, the ambassador said. Trade volume between Russia and Ukraine rose substantially to $17.7 billion in 2004, up from $8 billion in 1999, he added. The trend continues in 2005: trade volume was $6.1 billion in January-April, the ambassador added.

"Economic collaboration has a positive trend, and I consider it the best proof of strategic cooperation between our states," Mr. Biloblotskyi said.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 19, 2005, No. 25, Vol. LXXIII

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