Rada's "no" vote a major setback to international trade agreements

by E. Morgan Williams

The Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, May 31, once again voted down, by a narrow margin, a package of amendments to Ukraine's intellectual property rights laws that would have brought Ukraine into compliance with widely accepted international standards.

The amendments, if adopted, would have allowed the government of Ukraine to move forward to finalize the completion of several major international business and economic agreements, including several with the United States and those needed for possible accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in late 2005.

Ukraine again failed to legally protect intellectual property rights, which many experts believe will jeopardize Ukraine's efforts to join the WTO and its efforts to get rid of economic sanctions imposed by the United States and undermine its efforts to substantially increase its trade and investment levels and its program to improve the image of its overall business environment.

Several top U.S. government officials involved in economic and trade agreements indicated last week in Washington that they were very disappointed in the Ukrainian Parliament's failure to pass the needed amendments. They felt this action was a huge blow to Ukraine and do not see much chance now for Ukraine to meet the requirements needed for WTO membership by late 2005.

Reports from Kyiv indicate that the Yushchenko/Tymoshenko government did not do an adequate job of informing Parliament members about the international and domestic importance to Ukraine of passing the intellectual property rights amendments.

Also, a considerable number of Our Ukraine members in the Parliament did not vote for the intellectual property rights amendments and several key Our Ukraine bloc members were not even in Kyiv the day the vote was taken.

Passage of the amendments would have provided substantial benefits to Ukraine. The failure of the Our Ukraine bloc in the Parliament to strongly support Ukraine's rapid movement toward major international economic and trade agreements has been alarming to many private business and government leaders around the world.

The major negative consequences for Ukraine most likely include the following.

Among the comments regarding the issues reported above that were expressed by various private business, government and other leaders in Washington last week were the following.

With the opportunities now available to Ukraine, if this pattern continues, various agreements favorable to Ukraine will be delayed and Ukraine will lose its participation in other programs needed in Ukraine to move the reform agenda forward. The Ukrainian government at the highest level needs to quickly address and solve this issue by setting up better organizational systems for planning, execution and oversight.

Many of the 10 comments reported above were heard more than once and represent the general consensus that now exists in Washington. The same general message was heard over and over in a variety of meetings held on Capitol Hill, with various government officials, private business leaders and other officials from think-tank organizations in Washington who are quite knowledgeable about Ukraine.

E. Morgan Williams is publisher and editor of The Action Ukraine Report (AUR), which is published in Washington. This analysis is reprinted with permission from the report's June 13 issue (No. 501).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 19, 2005, No. 25, Vol. LXXIII

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