Ukrainian Engineers' Society New York Chapter holds job hunting workshop

by Marco Shmerykowsky

NEW YORK - The New York City Chapter of the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America held a Resumé and Job Hunting Workshop on April 7. The workshop was targeted to those that are entering the workforce in the United State for the first time or are looking to switch careers. The workshop consisted of four short presentations by speakers with a range of experience, followed by a group question and answer session.

The first presentation was prepared by Maya Lew. Ms. Lew is currently a staffing coordinator at Winston Staffing Services in New York City, a firm that specializes in providing temporary professionals in the financial, information technology and health care industries. Ms. Lew's lecture highlighted items that potential job candidates should consider both when preparing to conduct an interview with a prospective employer and when preparing a résumé.

With respect to the basic "do's" that a job candidate should follow, Ms. Lew stressed the importance of being prompt and portraying a confident and interested image. Candidates should be well-dressed and groomed as it is a reflection of their personal habits and life. Additionally, candidates should be prepared with a researched understanding of the company that is offering the job and should be prepared to answer questions about themselves and their experience. These questions include "what are your strengths" and "tell me about yourself." Ms. Lew also noted that it is important to be able to account for gaps in your résumé.

Ms. Lew also discussed items that a job candidate should consider when writing a résumé. Among her observations was that a résumé should be kept compact since employers tend to read résumés for an average of about 5 to 10 seconds. If they see something that grabs their attention in that span of time, then they will read on. Candidates should also show consistency in their work experience and/or a progression of experience and skills. Finally, candidates should try to use language that is similar, when applicable, to the advertisement for an open position. Sometimes a job can have several descriptions, but an employer will focus on résumés that mirror the language of the advertisement.

Mr. Wasyl Kinach, a professional engineer (P.E.) is the director of Classifications at the New York City Comptrollers Office. Mr. Kinach also spoke on the topics of writing a résumé and conducting an interview. One item Mr. Kinach mentioned with respect to résumés was that it is important to understand that the purpose of a résumé is to create interest and to whet the reader's appetite for more information. The résumé itself will not secure a potential position. Rather, it serves to create interest, generate questions that will allow job seekers to elaborate on their strengths, and to serve as a "reminder" about job seekers' qualifications.

On the topic of interviews, Mr. Kinach reaffirmed the central themes that were often repeated throughout the night. He noted that one's appearance, punctuality and communications skills have a significant impact on the first impression the prospective employer will develop. You have one chance at a first impression, and you want to make the best effort to make this a positive one, he underscored.

Mr. Kinach continued to discuss how interviewers watch for possible disqualifications, which include contradictions, grandiose claims, anger and evidence of indecision or inflexibility. He also noted that it is not advisable to criticize previous employers or bosses.

Mr. Kinach concluded by reviewing a number of "core" interview questions to which a person should have thoughtful and relevant answers. These core questions include "Tell us about yourself"; "What is your biggest strength?"; "What is your biggest weakness?" "What kind of decisions are most difficult for you?"; and "How could you make a contribution to this company."

The next speaker was Roman Kostiuk, an associate at Société Generale, a corporate investment banking firm, who shared observations on the current recruiting market. Mr. Kostiuk began by noting that a job seeker needs to have a clear idea of what he/she wants to do and what a prospective position entails. A person should understand whether the two aspects coincide. He also noted a person should not be discouraged if his/her skills do not match the advertised position exactly. Often, similar skills can be applied to new tasks.

This concept extends to the philosophy that it's advisable for a person to be an innovator and one to take action. One should be eager to learn. Learning translates to the experience that is needed in various complex environments for most advanced and senior positions. An employee is there to add value to a company, and one's experience and skills provide that value, he explained.

Finally, Mr. Kostiuk touched on how different professions can take advantage of modern tools. For example, various Internet job search tools, such as, Career builder and, allow a job seeker to obtain a great deal of exposure quickly. Such tools can also help a job seeker develop an extensive network of contacts in their field and to find a mentor.

Mr. Adrian Berezowsky, who is currently completing his studies in the field of construction law, shared observations from the perspective of a recent entrant into the job market. Among the items Mr. Berezowsky mentioned was that it is important to account for gaps in your résumé's timelines in an honest fashion. He reiterated that it is important that job seekers be completely honest with respect to their employment history and other items listed on their résumé. The job seeker should assume that the information can and will be verified by the prospective employer. If the reality conflicts with what is presented as the "truth," it will impact very negatively on the job seeker.

Mr. Berezowsky also noted that, as a student just entering the job market, it is important to call attention to extracurricular activities. These activities reflect on the job seeker's abilities, responsibilities and dedication. It is also important for the job seeker to be properly prepared for an interview.

Enough research should be done so that the job seeker can speak knowledgeably about what the prospective employer's company does and what it has to offer. Furthermore, the research should allow the job seeker to ask intelligent questions. Mr. Berezowsky noted that often the toughest question that will be posed to a job seeker is "Do you have any questions?" Those seeking employment should be prepared with intelligent and relevant questions.

Mr. Berezowsky noted that it is valuable to be observant with respect to the surroundings at an interview location and the interviewer's reactions to various items. Often, an item of common interest, such as a favorite baseball team, can be the key to establishing a unique connection that other job seekers may not obtain.

Finally, Mr. Berezowsky noted that it is often a good idea to send a thank-you note to the person who conducted the interview. Not only is it a professional courtesy, but it also provides an additional opportunity for the job seeker to remind the prospective employer about him/her.

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The Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America (UESA) is an association of technical/scientific professionals and students, including engineers, scientists, architects and businesspeople. Its mission is to help advance members' professions, foster interest in technical and economic issues in Ukraine, and provide a social and professional network of mutual support. To learn more about UESA, readers may visit the website at or write to UESA, 2 E. 79th St., New York, NY 10021.

Marco Shmerykowsky, a professional engineer (P.E.), is president of the New York City Chapter of the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 19, 2005, No. 25, Vol. LXXIII

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