Ukrainian Catholic Church's Encounter attracts over 250 to conference

WINNIPEG - Over 250 participants were registered for the Encounter of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada, a unique three-day conference held in Winnipeg on May 24-26. More than three-fourths of the clergy of Canada coast to coast were present along with all of the country's Ukrainian Catholic bishops, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar and members of the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

The Permanent Synod consists of Cardinal Husar, Archbishop-Metropolitan Stefan Soroka of the United States, Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn of France, Bishop Julian Voronovsky of Drohobych-Sambir, Ukraine, and Bishop Volodymyr Juszczak of Wroclaw-Gdansk, Poland.

Speaking at the Encounter, Cardinal Husar, worldwide leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, stressed the need for the Church to be open to sharing its spiritual gifts with everyone, while not losing its own spiritual heritage.

His message echoed a statement the primate made at the opening of the Permanent Synod's meeting. "It's very important for us to realize that we are all children of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The name of our Church is the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the term 'Ukrainian' is meant as an opening not a closing statement. The name identifies the origins of our spiritual gifts. The spiritual gifts we carry into the world are those that we have received from Ukraine. However, this does mean that we are closed in on ourselves - we are ready to share them with others," he said in his homily during a liturgy at Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Cathedral that was attended by hundreds of faithful.

The Rev. Ken Nowakowski, press officer for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada, commented: "The [Encounter] conference was truly a success for many reasons - firstly, that it happened. I mean, to have been able to gather our clergy, monastics, seminarians and hierarchy together for prayer, formal and informal talks for three days was wonderful in itself. Often we have lived out lives in isolation, but with such a gathering old bonds were renewed, and new friendships and networks were forged."

He added that, "By meeting with the Permanent Synod, a family bond was also underlined - that is our relationship with the Ukrainian Catholic Church around the world."

The 47-year-old Rev. Nowakowski, who hails from North Battleford, Saskatchewan, also commented that "Now, we need to go home to our parishes and ministry and reflect on what we heard, what was discussed and look for ways to be true to our heritage, while seeking ways to also be inclusive and welcoming to all who seek to come into a closer relationship with the Lord."

The Encounter was held in the days after the meeting of the Permanent Synod, which also took place in Winnipeg. The Permanent Synod, which meets at least four times a year, convenes at least once a year in a country outside of Ukraine where the Ukrainian Catholic Church is established.

The aim of these meetings outside of Ukraine is to provide a real sense of unity with the local Churches united under the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. By holding meetings outside of Ukraine, the bishops hope that the Permanent Synod will have an opportunity to have a clearer vision of the needs and strengths of the local Churches.

The full Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops, which encompasses all the Church's bishops from around the globe, meets yearly in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 26, 2005, No. 26, Vol. LXXIII

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