Congress ready to increase aid to Ukraine; U.S.-Ukraine Foundation cited in committee reports

by Olenka Dobczanska
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

WASHINGTON - The U.S. House of Representatives on June 29 passed H.R. 3057, the "Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2006." The bill appropriated $20.27 billion for foreign assistance worldwide in fiscal year 2006. Out of these funds, the bill designates $477 million for the "Independent States of the former Soviet Union," which includes Ukraine.

On June 30, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations increased the $477 million figure to $565 million, which includes a specific figure of $95 million for Ukraine - a $7 million increase compared to funding for fiscal year 2005.

The full Senate's vote on H.R. 3057 is expected shortly. After the vote, both chambers will reconcile the numbers ($477 vs. $565, including $95 million for Ukraine) during House-Senate conference meetings later this month. When done, the bill will be ready for President George W. Bush's signature before it becomes law.

U.S. - Ukraine Foundation noted

On June 21 and 30 during House and Senate Appropriations Committees mark-ups (processes by which congressional committees and subcommittees debate, amend and rewrite proposed legislation) of H.R. 3057, the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) was included in committees' respective reports that accompanied the bill.

The report language read as follows:

"The committee urges the State Department to consider proposals from organizations, such as the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation and Ukrainian Congress of Armenia, with existing experience in Ukraine in one or more of these sectors." (U.S. House Committee on Appropriations Report 109-152.)

"The committee is aware of the work of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, and commends the foundation for its support of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine. The committee directs USAID to continue to support the foundation's activities beyond November 2005, when funding is scheduled to end. The committee believes the foundation has an important role to play in strengthening the [Verkhovna] Rada and in increasing transparency and accountability at all levels of government. The committee expects funding levels to exceed those of prior years." (U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Report 109-096.)

Committee reports usually accompany the legislation voted on by Congress. They discuss and explain the purpose of measures (in this case, the Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2006). They also refer to the action taken by a committee or committee recommendations to both legislative and executive branches of the federal government as they relate to specific organizations.

Analysis of report language

These two references to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation are significant in the context of increased federal funding for projects, since both praise the USUF's past work.

While the House language "urges" the State Department to "consider" proposals from organizations such as the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, the Senate language is much stronger. It specifically "directs" the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to continue to support the USUF programs beyond this November. Moreover, the appropriators "expect" the levels of funding to "exceed those of prior years."

The foundation's existing programs and new proposals are designed to strengthen the processes of community building, legislative exchange and dialogue between key policy-makers, economic development, voter education, youth leadership and other programs directed to further consolidate and expand upon the democratic achievements of the Orange Revolution.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 10, 2005, No. 28, Vol. LXXIII

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