Quotable notes

"... For sure, the future of the European Union is now under review. ... However, I don't think you can influence that debate in any other way then by positioning Ukraine as a most dedicated candidate for future EU membership, which conducts rigid, comprehensive and consistent reforms in preparation for membership in the EU, irrespectively whatever happens with the internal debate in the EU.

"After the votes in France and the Netherlands, the European Union did not collapse. It will continue to function on the basis of the existing treaties, while the future direction of the EU is being assessed.

"It is even more important that at this critical stage of debate we remind the EU citizens and their elected leaders that we need a united and strong Europe which is capable to address the challenges of the 21st century. Among them is the task to promote freedom and democracy toward the countries such as Ukraine by embracing them into the mainstream of the European development.

"This can only be achieved if you Ukrainians challenge the EU with the real progress you make in having bureaucracy free of corruption, advancing approximation of laws with the EU legislation in general (and in particular in intellectual property rights, company law, competition rules, environmental and consumer protection), demonstrating sustained commitment to effective implementation of legislation; tightening of bankruptcy rules, eliminating of state interference in pricing and improving VAT administration.

"In the short term perspective, this would certainly contribute toward review of the market economy status, ongoing negotiations on membership in the WTO and would show to the EU leaders Ukraine's serious commitment towards the aspired goal of membership even in the times of uncertainty and unpredictability of the EU's future course. ..."

- Vygaudas Usackas, Lithuania's ambassador to the United States, speaking on "Ukrainian Membership in the European Union" at the U.S.-Ukraine Policy Dialogue Exchange Program seminar, organized by the Atlantic Council of the United States, on June 7.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 10, 2005, No. 28, Vol. LXXIII

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