Yushchenko welcome committee established by Philadelphians

PHILADELPHIA - The Ukrainian community of the greater Philadelphia area announces the establishment of President Viktor Yushchenko Welcome Committee, an ad hoc organization comprising over 40 local Ukrainian organizations and institutions. The committee was organized to help assist the Philadelphia Liberty Medal Committee with the upcoming September visit to Philadelphia of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.

President Yushchenko has been invited by the Philadelphia Foundation to accept the prestigious Liberty Medal. The Liberty Medal award and the accompanying $100,000 will be presented by the Philadelphia Liberty Medal Committee. President Yushchenko has been chosen as the recipient of the Liberty Medal for his, "leadership and vision in pursuit of liberty of conscience or freedom from oppression, ignorance or deprivation."

The President Yushchenko Welcome Committee is working closely with the Philadelphia Liberty Medal Committee, and will assist the Committee when necessary to make the visit of the president of Ukraine a memorable and successful event.

The leadership of the President Yushchenko Welcome Committee includes: Ulana Mazurkevich, president; Ihor Kushnir, Boris Zacharchuk and Natalia Pazuniak, vice-presidents; Petro Kluk and Petro Hursky, secretaries; and Larysa Didash, treasurer. The committee will update the Ukrainian community when new information becomes available.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 24, 2005, No. 30, Vol. LXXIII

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