Chortopolokhy sorority of Plast stages play for young campers

EAST CHATHAM, N.Y. - The New Jersey branch of the Plast sorority Chortopolokhy put on a play for the youngest girls (novachky) on July 16. The campers, age 7-11, first participated in a round robin to learn how a play is produced. The novachky painted scenery, constructed props, decorated costumes, colored playbills and sang songs. The Chortopolokhy then presented "Yazykata Khvesia," the story of a Ukrainian woman who loved to gossip and could never keep a secret. Seen above are the actors: (back row, from left) Christine Stawnychy, Orest Temnycky, Vira Popel, Marta Stawnychy and Darka Temnycky; (front row) Larissa Oprysko, Andrea Popel and Melasia Popel.

- Larissa Oprysko

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 31, 2005, No. 31, Vol. LXXIII

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