Ukrainian Fraternal Association decides to rejoin the UCCA

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Ukrainian Fraternal Association has decided to rejoin the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. The decision was made during the UFA's annual meeting on June 23-24, and an announcement was published by the association's newspaper, Narodna Volia, on July 7.

Following is the full text of the statement signed by the UFA executive board, which was published in Narodna Volia.

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At the annual meeting of the Ukrainian Fraternal Association, held June 23 and 24 at the Clarion Hotel, Scranton, Pa., it was decided to rejoin the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. UFA is following the slogan made popular during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, "We are many - you cannot defeat us" and also "together we are strong." UFA is an organization made up of over 11,000 members with different views and opinions.

Sixty-five years ago, UFA was a co-founder of the UCCA and today historically decided to rejoin the organization. We have taken the next step towards a much-needed consolidation of the Ukrainian community in America.

The Ukrainian Fraternal Association is also a member of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council and other organizations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 7, 2005, No. 32, Vol. LXXIII

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