Banquet is pinnacle of 50th anniversary celebrations of SUM oselia in Ellenville

by Lida Mykytyn

ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - The cornerstone of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Ukrainian American Youth Association's (SUM) campgrounds here turned out to be the banquet and fund-raising cocktail reception that took place on July 9 at the "oselia" (as the resort is known).

The evening commenced with a thunderous entrance and presentation by over 90 participants of the SUM "Vyshkilnyi Tabir," a three-week leadership camp, who gave a sentimental performance under the direction of the camp leader Ihor Naumenko and choreographer Halyna Cechowska. This served as a perfect introduction to the celebrations of the evening, which focused on the accomplishments of the oselia, as there can be no greater accomplishment than the educational work by dedicated individuals that has been conducted at the oselia for over five decades.

The banquet had a festive atmosphere. The beautifully decorated grand hall served as a perfect backdrop to commemorate this milestone in oselia's history. The evening's entertainment was led by masters of ceremonies Lida Mykytyn and Petro Kosciolek, and featured performances by Prolisok, a SUM Yonkers/New York youth choir, as well as a stirring keynote speech by oselia's good friend and long-time SUM member and leader, Askold Lozynskyj. Both Prolisok's singing and the keynote speech left the audience emotionally stirred and misty-eyed. Adding to the emotional heights of the evening were dramatic recitations by the 2005 Zlet (youth gathering) competitions' front-runners, Oksana Bihun and Orysia Kozicky.

After the performance by Prolisok and the nostalgic slide show of photographs from the oselia spanning 50 years, the banquet took on a surprising turn. The impetus was provided by Julian Kulas, of the Heritage Foundation of First Security Bank of Chicago who offered a generous donation for capital improvements at the oselia. This initial donation was then followed by a personal pledge by Bishop Basil Losten, and the momentum began to build as other banquet participants began to show both their generosity and their love of the Ellenville resort.

In a fitting conclusion to the banquet, with the grand hall, intentionally darkened, the participants of the Vyshkilnyi Tabir, returned, carrying shimmering candles. Surrounding the tables and attendees, they sang "Sumivski Vohni," an endearing camp song reminiscent of many moonlit nights and memorable campfires during summer camps.

Shortly after the conclusion of the banquet, most guests shifted from the main hall to an outside venue for the fund-raising cocktail reception. The outdoor reception area, covered by a colossal white tent, glistened with lights and golden accents. The dreamlike setting allowed the celebrations to continue; the reminiscing continued and friendships were rekindled.

Nostalgia floated through the air, as guests enjoyed the music of Hrim, a new young band, composed of members from Vyshkilnyi Tabir. Yuriy Symczyk, also a participant of the camp, was master of ceremonies for the evening reception. The event turned out to be the perfect showcase for the emerging talent of SUM.

This evening of 50th anniversary celebrations was special for countless reasons. Many received the chance to reminisce about wonderful oselia memories. Attendees got a glimpse of the future through the participation of Vyshkilnyi Tabir and the youth that enlivened the cocktail reception.

The evening was also quite special due to the support of both the local and Ukrainian communities. Honoring the celebrations with their presence were Bishop Losten of the Stamford Eparchy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and representatives from Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization as well as a number of special guests from Ukrainian community organizations and financial institutions.

Lida Mykytyn is chair of the organizing committee of the SUM oselia's 50th anniversary.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 14, 2005, No. 33, Vol. LXXIII

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