Ukrainian Congress Committee of America on the 14th year

We will always remember the sense of euphoria that every Ukrainian felt in his heart on August 24, 1991, when Ukraine declared its independence and embarked on the road toward democratic reform. We will also never forget the elation and joy of the successful Orange Revolution last year. The world watched intently as the Ukrainian people rose up against corruption and injustice to claim their right to self-determination.

We understand that the road that lies ahead is not without obstacles, but this year the Ukrainian people everywhere will celebrate the 14th anniversary of Ukraine's independence and look back at the progress Ukraine has made with pride and hopeful anticipation for a bright future.

Ukraine has accomplished much in the past 14 years. Ukraine has overcome serious economic problems and set its economy on a course of rapid growth. Last November, the Ukrainian nation resolutely stated its intention to continue market reforms and take the necessary steps toward integration into the Euro-Atlantic community. The current democratic government of Ukraine has held true to the course outlined during the recent presidential campaign. The recent Orange Revolution has given impetus to the development of a true civil society - one whose voice is heeded by the government.

The future holds many opportunities for Ukraine. Our community must take an active part in the upcoming March 2006 parliamentary elections to ensure that they are conducted in a free and fair manner. We must continue to cooperate with the non-governmental sector in order to encourage further democratic growth in all sectors of society. We must also help to encourage private and foreign investment in Ukraine, as it is vital to the development of Ukraine's economy.

As we celebrate the 14th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, let us continue to work diligently for the benefit of Ukraine and the Ukrainian American community. Our community should continue to assist our brethren in Ukraine to help fulfill the aspirations of our forefathers; to secure an independent, democratic Ukraine that can take its rightful place among the nations of the free world.

On the occasion of the 14th anniversary of Ukrainian independence, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sends its warmest greetings to all Ukrainians, both in Ukraine and beyond its borders. Let us be unified in our efforts to secure a better future for the Ukrainian nation.

"Together we are many - we will not be defeated!"

On behalf of the UCCA Executive Board:
Michael Sawkiw Jr., president
Maria Duplak, executive secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 21, 2005, No. 34, Vol. LXXIII

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