Roundtable VI to focus on Ukraine's national identity

by Tamara Gallo
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

NEW YORK - The sixth conference in the Ukraine's Quest for Mature Nation Statehood Roundtable Series will be held on September 27-28 in Washington, under the title "Ukraine's Transition to an Established National Identity."

The roundtable series began when a number of Ukrainian and American organizations convened in April 2000 to consider ways of encouraging a more engaged level of dialogue between the United States and Ukraine. These deliberations led to a commitment to convene an annual conference to monitor Ukraine's progress toward fuller integration into the Euro-Atlantic community and assist in developing stronger bilateral relations with the U.S.

This year's two-day conference will feature 12 panels, run during the course of four regular sessions, four focus sessions, two working lunches and a conference reception.

The gathering will bring together government and key non-governmental representatives of Ukraine, the United States and several of Ukraine's neighbors, as well as experts from academia to evaluate Ukraine's ability to develop a "firm center of gravity as a nation-state" and to define Ukraine's "distinct sense of place in global affairs," particularly in the aftermath of the historic Orange Revolution.

Over 70 speakers - a veritable Who's Who from the American, Ukrainian and European governmental, NGO and private sectors - have been invited to provide their insights regarding the domestic and foreign policies of Ukraine's current government and their impact on the development of a new global face for Ukraine.

Invited speakers include: Borys Tarasyuk, Ukraine's minister of foreign affairs; Serhii Teriokhin, Ukraine's minister of the economy; Bronislav Geremek, member of the European Parliament; and Steven Hadley, U.S. national security advisor.

For more information about participating in the Ukraine's Quest for Mature Nation Statehood Roundtable VI conference readers may contact the UCCA National Office at (212) 228-6840, or e-mail [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 21, 2005, No. 34, Vol. LXXIII

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