Husar's temporary residence: a private apartment

by Yana Sedova
Kyiv Press Bureau

KYIV - Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church's major archbishop of Kyiv-Halych, will temporarily reside in a private apartment on the seventh floor of an ordinary, newly built block of apartments on Mykilsko-Slobidska Street in Kyiv.

Despite the official transfer of the UGCC's headquarters from Lviv to Kyiv on August 21, Cardinal Husar will move into his official residence a few months down the line.

"I am going to finally move to Kyiv in November or December this year," Cardinal Husar said in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda on August 23.

In the immediate future the apartment bought by the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church will not have an official representative function. Cardinal Husar is going to use it only as a private residence.

The Patriarchal Cathedral of Christ's Resurrection is situated nearby, about a two-minute walk from the apartment.

Construction of the lofty patriarchal cathedral started in early 2002, but it still is far from completion. Even now the partially built cathedral impresses onlookers with its grandeur and size; it is expected to be Kyiv's largest church.

Meanwhile, local authorities in Kyiv have been ignoring the continuing requests of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church to allow it to rent more premises.

"We need more room for our governing body," Cardinal Husar told Ukrainska Pravda. "We did not ask for something for free - we are ready to pay rent. Though we have been knocking on the doors of the City Council and mayor for five years, we have never gotten a reply."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 28, 2005, No. 35, Vol. LXXIII

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