Greetings to Ukrainian diaspora from Ukraine's Mission to the U.N.

Dear Friends:

On behalf of Ukrainian diplomats to the United Nations I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the 14th anniversary of the great holiday of the people of Ukraine - Ukrainian Independence Day.

Ukraine is entering a new stage of its statehood on the height of drastic internal political, economic and social changes that are being implemented by the people's president, Viktor Yushchenko.

Today Ukraine attracts the special attention of the world. The triumph of the truth, people's will and democracy in our state has won respect and sympathy on all continents. The attitude to Ukraine as a democratic and respected international player is being witnessed by us, diplomats at the United Nations, as well as by our colleagues in their contacts with the European Union, NATO and the World Trade Organization, as well as in cooperation with many countries of the world.

However, an uplift in the internal and external life of Ukraine, the resurrection of national power and spirit are inconceivable and impossible without the help and support of the Ukrainians from outside of their motherland.

Thus, congratulating you on this most important state holiday, I would like to express words of gratitude for your consistent attention to the work of Ukrainian diplomats at the U.N., for your practical assistance and wise advice. I am confident that our fruitful and close cooperation will continue to successfully facilitate the achievement of our common goal: further consolidation of the Ukrainian state in the world.

I sincerely wish you and your families good health, happiness and well-being. May all of your plans and good intentions be realized. May confidence and faith in a better future be with you.

Happy Holiday!

Glory to Ukraine!

Valeriy Kuchinsky
ambassador, permanent representative
of Ukraine to the United Nations

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 28, 2005, No. 35, Vol. LXXIII

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