Film "Between Hitler and Stalin" gets official support in Ukraine

by Oksana Zakydalsky

TORONTO - A directive from Oleksander Zinchenko, who heads Ukraine's Presidential Secretariat, has been sent to all heads of oblast government administrations as well as to the ministries of Defense and Education, notifying them that they are to make arrangements for the screening of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center's film "Between Hitler and Stalin - Ukraine in World War II," directed by Slawko Nowytski.

Video cassettes of the Ukrainian version of the film, which had its premiere showing in mid-April in Kyiv and several TV broadcasts since then, are available in Ukraine through the Kyiv Memorial Society, whose head, Roman Krutsyk, has been designated by the UCRDC as its agent in Ukraine, responsible for the duplication of the film in Pal-Secam video format.

The financing of the first 1,000 video copies of the film was sponsored by the League of Ukrainians in Canada.

In his directive, sent on July 28, Mr. Zinchenko writes: "having studied the issue, the Presidential Secretariat has come to the conclusion that the maximum use of the educational opportunities provided by the film in the framework of the national commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II deserves official support."

Furthermore, the various jurisdictions were asked to name a person who will be responsible for the organization of the film's showings in the period of September to December of this year at oblast and municipal universities, schools and military units and who will submit monthly reports on the implementation of the directive.

The directive also obligated each oblast head to be personally present at the showing of the film at the oblast center and to ensure that the heads of raion and city administrations also are in attendance at the showing of the film at raion and city venues. Furthermore, they were asked to organize advertising and broadcasting of the film in the mass media.

Mr. Zinchenko's directive noted why the Presidential Secretariat has decided that the film deserves the backing of the government and wide distribution. He draws attention to the fact that scholars of international reputation such as Dr. Robert Conquest and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and others support the interpretation of the events as portrayed in the film.

Unfortunately, some habits die hard. Mr. Zinchenko stated that the film portrays the contribution of Ukraine to "the victory over fascism" - a Soviet interpretation of Ukraine's involvement in World War II (known as the Velyka Vitchyzniana Viyna or Great Fatherland War) that the film scrupulously tries to avoid.

However, the makers of the film are convinced that "Between Hitler and Stalin" is an informative and persuasive documentary, and they are optimistic that its wide showing in Ukraine - facilitated by the Presidential Secretariat's official support - will help contribute to a re-evaluation and revision of the Soviet interpretation of World War II that still permeates school curricula and the mindsets of the majority of Ukraine's population.

The initial run of 1,000 video cassettes has now been exhausted and the UCRDC is looking for sponsors for the production of an additional run of cassettes. (Mr. Zinchenko's directive is available on the Internet at

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 28, 2005, No. 35, Vol. LXXIII

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