NEW RELEASE: "Romansongs" by Ohioan Roman Horodysky

by Danylo Peleschuk

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - "Romansongs" is the latest musical venture rising from within the Ukrainian American community.

"Romansongs" is a song writing/recording project headed by Roman Horodysky, who hails from northern Ohio. He is backed by a slew of studio musicians who contribute their efforts toward the production of his new album, titled "Calle Peligrosa."

The album consists of eight original tracks, each one co-written by Mr. Horodysky and one or more of his other band members. He cites his musical influences as the Rolling Stones, The Stooges, David Bowie and Johnny Cash.

Mr. Horodysky is also creatively influenced by actors such as Russ Myers and Tura Satana, and one day hopes to fulfill his lifetime goal of providing an original score for a major motion picture. Another goal of his is to have a top talent recording artist cover any one of his songs.

"Calle Peligrosa" may be purchased via mail for $11 from Romansongs, P.O. Box 605476, Cleveland, OH 44105, or online via credit card at

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 28, 2005, No. 35, Vol. LXXIII

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