Ukraine's leaders to address U.N.


KYIV - One of the main priorities of Ukrainian diplomacy to day is the issue of full utilization of the United Nations, which is the sole universal international intergovernmental organization, according to Ukraine's Ambassador to the United Nations Valeriy Kuchinsky. Speaking at a press conference on August 23, he said the U.N. has withstood the test of time and will soon mark its 60th anniversary, in connection with which a summit will take place in New York on September 13 to 17.

Ambassador Kuchinsky said this is a unique event because the leaders of 175 countries will be gathering in one place for the first time in history. The second world meeting of heads of national parliaments will take place in New York on September 7 to 9.

Mr. Kuchinsky announced that President Viktor Yushchenko will attend the summit of the United Nations and address the organization on September 15. Mr. Yushchenko will also hold several bilateral meetings while in New York.

The ambassador also expressed hope that important decisions will be made at the summit. According to him, the final document of the summit that is currently being drafted consists of several proposals. One important proposal involves creation of a Council on Human Rights to replace the current Human Rights Commission. The second important proposal involves creation of a commission on peacekeeping.

The third, and probably the most important, proposal provides for expansion of the U.N. Security Council. He noted that the current Security Council was created when the U.N. had only 51 members and that the organization now has 191 members. Meanwhile, the status of the permanent members of the Security Council has practically remained unchanged since 1945.

Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn will lead the Ukrainian delegation to the second world conference of heads of national parliaments.

Mr. Kuchinsky said that President Yushchenko's speech at the U.N. summit will focus on several issues, including economic development and international security.

He also announced that a general debate at the level of foreign affairs ministers will take place in New York on September 17 to 22 and that Foreign Affairs Minister Borys Tarasyuk will participate in it. Mr. Tarasyuk is scheduled to deliver an address on September 18.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 4, 2005, No. 36, Vol. LXXIII

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