Quotable notes

"... Although he was not born in Canada, Mr. Konowal nonetheless fought fiercely for his adopted country. His bravery and courage during the first world war was rewarded with the Victoria Cross, a medal which is proudly displayed today at the Canadian War Museum. It is difficult for many Canadians to imagine the atrocities he faced, of trying to find hope for the future in the midst of so much anxiety, ugliness and deprivation. The actions of Mr. Konowal both on and off the battlefield show the grit and determination Canadian veterans have demonstrated in the face of adversity.

"During the Year of the Veteran, this honor is even more poignant, as Canada remembers the brave men and women who gave so much of themselves for their country. I want to thank the organizers of this event for ensuring the sacrifices and actions of Canadians like Mr. Konowal are never forgotten."

- Adrienne Clarkson, the governor general of Canada, in an August message issued in Ottawa and addressed to participants of the ceremony held in Lens, France, on August 22.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 4, 2005, No. 36, Vol. LXXIII

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