Lackawanna County officials greet citizens on Ukraine's Independence Day

SCRANTON, Pa. - On Wednesday, August 24, Lackawanna County Commissioners Robert Cordaro, Al Munchak, Michael Washo and Scranton City Council President Gary DiBileo greeted the citizens of Lackawanna County and the Ukrainian community in particular on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

The well-attended ceremonies took place outdoors at the Lackawanna County Court House Flag Plaza, Central City Scranton, with the presentation of an official proclamation, raising of the flag of Ukraine and the singing of the national anthems of the United States and Ukraine. Remarks were made by Commissioners Cordaro, Munchak and Washo, as well as Councilman DiBileo, the Rev. Mitred Nestor Kowal of St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, the Rev. Paul Wolensky of St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Catholic Parish, the Rev. Edward Levandusky of Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Parish and Paul Ewasko, President of the Ukrainian Heritage Council of Northeastern Pennsylvania which sponsors the annual event.

The overriding theme of the day's celebration was Ukrainians reputation worldwide as having an indestructible spirit of religious, cultural, historical and national identity. In addition, special mention was made of the huge contribution Ukrainian immigrants and American-born Ukrainians have made to the United States, and to Northeastern Pennsylvania in particular. In honor of all Ukrainians, the Ukrainian flag was to fly at the Court House for one week.

The ceremonies were concluded with the declaration of August 24, "Ukrainian Independence Day in Lackawanna County" and the singing "Mnohaya Lita" to the county commissioners and council president. A luncheon followed at the Scranton Hilton Hotel.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 18, 2005, No. 38, Vol. LXXIII

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