Viktor Yushchenko's speech at the United Nations

The following is the text, as delivered, of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's speech on September 15, before the United Nations in New York City.

Dear co-presidents!

Dear Mr. Secretary General!

Dear heads of state!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The jubilee of the United Nations is a celebration of hope for all humanity. The whole history of our unique forum convinces us that the peoples of different nations and cultures are able to hear and support each other. Churchill said that these walls were erected for a Temple of Peace, not for a tower of Babylon, and I truly believe that we will live up to their expectations.

At this meeting the international community shapes its new guidelines in the third millennium. New Ukraine - free and independent - follows it together with the whole family of democratic nations. I believe that the efforts and experience of my country will contribute to finding important benchmarks.

I am a son of a soldier of World War II, whose fate was to live through the battles, wounds and the horrors of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Millions failed to survive. Millions of women and men died. Every Ukrainian family has a live memory of pain and losses. Due to its heroic contribution to the victory over Nazism, Ukraine gained an honorable right to become one of the founders of the United Nations.

We brought in our aspiration for peace. We are always ready to counteract the threat of war everywhere. I believe that the Ukrainian peacekeepers under the United Nations flag will once again prove their courage and professionalism.

As a representative of a nation that shoulder to shoulder with free nations liberated humankind from the Nazi threat, I am convinced we can set free humanity from other mortal threats.

These days we are honoring the memory of those who died on September 11 and sharing the pain of those who suffered in the south of the United States. Ukraine is an active member of the fight against terrorism. We believe that the international community should do everything possible to destroy the environment nourishing the virus of terror - intolerance, tyranny, poverty and humiliation.

Ukraine has already contributed much to security in the world by abandoning its nuclear weapons. We can put nuclear technologies under rigid international control; we are obliged to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the Chornobyl catastrophe. I strongly believe that this will be an important opportunity to realize the universal social and cultural depth of this tragedy; it will enable us to combine our efforts to mitigate its consequences.

Distinguished World Leaders:

We are obliged to prevent crimes against humanity and mankind in the 21st century.

I am addressing you as a representative of the nation that lost 10 million human lives in the Famine-Genocide. At that time, the governments of many countries turned their eyes from the genocide that was organized to destroy our people. We insist that the international community should tell the truth about this crime. Only by doing so can we be certain that indifference will never encourage criminals.

The high ideals of the United Nations have always encouraged our people to fight for dignity, human rights and independence. The statehood of Ukraine paved the way for advancing these values. The peaceful victory in Independence Square opened up for Ukraine the path to achieving these ideals.

Our nation turned away from the past, and no one will be able to resurrect it. We are determined to create an open, integrated society and a free-market economy that will be integrated into the world economy. We gained a historic chance to be a part of a united Europe and we have the roadmap that brings our relations closer.

Ukraine is very conscious of its responsibilities and once again we would like to reconfirm our commitment to the international development established by the Millennium Declaration, and we are ready to provide our support for their achievement.

Ukraine stands ready to be a trusted partner in all political, economic, ecological and humanitarian projects. Ukraine is ready to work together to find ways to strengthen multilateralism. I'm convinced that the greatest opportunity in this regard will come from reforming the United Nations.

The reform of the Security Council is a prerequisite to enhance the effectiveness of our organization. To perform adequately, its membership should reflect present realities.

It would be fair if all regional groups, including the group of Eastern European states, are represented in the council. The voice of the region, which is shaping a new Europe, deserves to be heard.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Sixty years ago Franklin Roosevelt said: "We are to secure our friendship and to share its spirit with the rest of the world. This is not the ultimate end, but, if achieved, we will be empowered to meet the great goal of humanity."

The United Nations managed to establish the foundation for that. We can proceed together to ensure that peace and freedom and fairness for every nation will be achieved.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 25, 2005, No. 39, Vol. LXXIII

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