Toronto's Consulate General hosts Independence Day reception

Following is the text of remarks by Dr. Ihor Lossovskyi, the consul general of Ukraine in Toronto. The speech was delivered at the diplomatic reception on the occasion of Ukrainian Independence Day that was hosted by the Consulate General on September 8 at the Golden Lion restaurant in Toronto.

On behalf of the People of Ukraine, on behalf of the Consulate General of Ukraine in Canada, please let me sincerely congratulate you all on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.

The path of Ukrainians towards the independence of their motherland was a long and thorny one. Armed with their diligence and hard work, with inspirational words of their spiritual leaders, and, in many cases, with weapons in their hands, Ukrainians defended their lifelong dream of freedom, a dream that was beyond their reach for many long centuries. But the continuous fight to realize this sacred dream has made our people stronger, and forever engraved the ideals of freedom, equity and brotherhood in their hearts.

The tireless work and continuous struggle of the generations of Ukrainian patriots resulted in re-establishment of Ukrainian independent state in 1991. This outstanding historical event became the realization of a lifelong aspiration of the Ukrainian nation, the realization of the dreams of millions and millions of its sons and daughters - those in Ukraine and those living abroad.

During 14 years of Independence our people were working to consolidate and strengthen this historic attainment, to develop an advanced democratic state. A lot has been accomplished in these years - Ukraine has been recognized as an integral part of international community; it has created a comprehensive network of governmental institutions; the Ukrainian Parliament has adopted the fundamental law of the country - its Constitution; Ukraine has laid foundation for the development of a market economy and democratic legislature of the European Union type.

But it was the 14th year of Ukraine's independence that witnessed historical events comparable by their importance to the proclamation of the independence itself. In November-December 2004 the people of Ukraine irrevocably and unconditionally reaffirmed their dedication and support to the chosen direction of the development of their state. The event internationally known as the Orange Revolution has proven to the whole world that the Ukrainian people, from east or west, from Ukraine or living abroad, are united by a joint objective. And that objective is development of a free and independent nation. The country that will take a well-deserved place among the world's leading democracies. I believe that the dramatic historic events of the Orange Revolution will become a powerful constructive impulse that will determine the development of Ukraine in decades and centuries to come.

Today we can confidently declare that our state led by the democratically elected President Viktor Yuschenko is on the way of development of a world-class democracy that has its people, their personal freedoms and dignity as its principle values. And we can acknowledge substantial support for these aspirations of the Ukrainian people from the international democratic community, from Ukrainians worldwide, and in particular from Ukrainians of Canada.

We always felt this unselfish and much-needed support in the most difficult times of totalitarian regimes ruling on the lands of Ukraine; we felt this support in the dramatic days of the Orange Revolution when over 1,000 Canadians contributed their time, efforts, knowledge and experience to ensure transparency and fairness of the Ukrainian presidential elections of 2004.

And I would like to conclude my short welcoming address today by saying a sincere 'Thank you!' to all of the Canadian observers who traveled to Ukraine, to Canadians who organized and participated in numerous manifestations here in Canada in support of the Ukrainian democracy, and to the Canadian government and politicians, to some of them present here today, for their valuable support of the Ukrainian democracy.

This Independence Day is our joint celebration, the celebration of the 14th anniversary of independence regained, the celebration of independence protected.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 25, 2005, No. 39, Vol. LXXIII

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