FOR THE RECORD: Memorandum signed by Yushchenko, Yanukovych

Below is the text of the memorandum signed by President Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the Party of the Regions, on September 22, a few hours before the vote on Yurii Yekhanurov's candidacy for the post of prime minister. The translation below is from Ukrayinska Pravda.

Realizing responsibility before the Ukrainian people in a time of political crisis that poses a threat to the future of the country, we consider the beginning of a constructive dialogue between the government and the opposition to be our patriotic duty. The main subject of this dialogue is to cooperate on working out a strategy for resolving the crisis and to take Ukraine toward the goal of developing thriving society, civil accord and consolidation of political forces mindful of the country's needs.

We view the provisions of this memorandum as adding specific content to the "Declaration on Unity and Cooperation for the Sake of Ukraine's Future" [signed by leaders of parliamentary groups and factions on September 13, before the first vote on Mr. Yekhanurov's candidacy], as a mechanism to carry out the declaration's terms, as a step forward in restoring understanding between the sides and as our wish for constructive dialogue for the good of the Ukrainian people.

To this effect, we deem necessary and agree on the following:

1. Political reform [which would delegate some power from the president to the government and Parliament] should be implemented.

2. Political persecution of the opposition should stop.

3. A draft law of Ukraine "On amnesty" covering Articles 157 and 158 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine [punishing vote-rigging as a criminal offence] should be submitted.

4. The law on amendments to the law of Ukraine "On the status of people's deputies of local councils," which would establish procedures for charging people's deputies of local councils with committing offenses, should be put into effect immediately.

5. The adoption of the law of Ukraine "On the status and rights of the opposition" (which would provide for the opposition retaining the posts of heads of the following parliamentary committees - the Committee on Freedom of Expression and Information, Budget Committee, Committee on Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, and the Special Controlling Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for privatization) should be speeded up.

6. The adoption of the laws of Ukraine "On the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" and "On the president of Ukraine" should be speeded up.

7. The Cabinet should be formed transparently on the principles of professionalism and separation of power from business.

8. The issue of legal guarantees of ownership rights should be resolved.

9. Pressure on the judiciary should be precluded.

10. Neither the government nor government officials should intervene in the process of preparation for the parliamentary election and the election of national deputies of all levels on March 26, 2006. The government apparatus should not be used for electoral purposes.

The complete and unconditional fulfilment of the agreement is evidence of the possibility of a consensus between the government and the opposition and the ability to put people's interests ahead of personal ambitions.

[Signed by acting Prime Minister Yurii Yekhanurov, Viktor Yanukovych on behalf of the Party of the Regions and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.]

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 2, 2005, No. 40, Vol. LXXIII

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