Adult Ukrainian Language Immersion Camp marks fifth anniversary

CRYSTAL LAKE, Saskatchewan - August 11-14 marked the fifth anniversary of the Adult Ukrainian Language Immersion Camp (AULIC) held at Trident Camp located at Crystal Lake, just north of Canora. There were more registrants than ever - and they were not disappointed.

The AULIC project is a joint effort of the Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association of Regina and the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Regina.

The number of registrants this year was 35, up from last year's 25. The students came from British Columbia (five), Alberta (two), Manitoba (one), California (one), with the majority from Saskatchewan (26). Twenty-two of the students attended the camp for the first time, while the remaining 13 had attended at least twice with some all five years. Many of the newcomers learned of the project via the internet at

As an indication of how popular the camp was, at the closing at least 20 participants indicated that they already have plans to return next year.

There were three levels of instruction - beginner, intermediate and advanced - facilitated by instructors Anita Drebot, a Ukrainian teacher in Regina for many years; Iryna Pityn, the Sadochok teacher from Regina; and Kateryna Stratiychuk, a former principal in Ukraine.

Their talents were complimented by Vasyl Stratiychuk, who demonstrated icon writing; Andriy Pityn, who enriched the singing sessions with his boyan mastery; and Erin Mazur, who demonstrated the finer points of pysanky writing. Ms. Drebot who helped teach the beautiful tradition of Ukrainian embroidery.

The program consisted of Ukrainian language classes during the day and Ukrainian cultural activities in the evening, including the screening of many wonderful Ukrainian videos. In addition, there was a field trip to Canora to visit the Ukrainian museum and the Ukrainian Orthodox Heritage Church.

One of the highlights of the program was a mock Ukrainian restaurant scenario to which a number of Trident Board members and local community notables were also invited. The cuisine was delicious and was blessed with numerous toasts. This was followed by a short concert of recitations, singing and music. The closing ceremonies consisted of thanking the cooks, the teachers and all those who helped make AULIC 2005 most memorable. This was followed by the distribution of certificates and AULIC T-shirts. The registrants also completed an appraisal on the program.

The program organizing committee comprised Wayne Hydeman, Ed Lysyk, Ken Mazur, Rhonda Slugoski and Tony Harras. Planning is already under way for next year's camp that is tentatively booked for August 10-13, 2006.

Further details may be obtained by phoning Tony Harras, (306) 586-6805, or by e-mailing [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 2, 2005, No. 40, Vol. LXXIII

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