Rep. Kaptur meets with women working on civic and social initiatives in Ukraine

WASHINGTON - Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) met with Ukrainian women leaders working on civic and social initiatives in her office in Washington on September 14. Ms. Kaptur described the delegation as "building a new future for Ukraine."

The participants were selected to visit the U.S. to enhance their knowledge, skills and networks in their fields. The delegation included those who work with families on women's issues, domestic violence, environmental problems, youth activism, culture and also government officials responsible for social and economic betterment and public information campaigns.

The delegation visited through the Open World Program, hosted by the Vital Voices Global Partnership.

Rep. Kaptur, a 12-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Northwest Ohio, has traveled extensively in Ukraine since 1973. She is of Ukrainian descent and her great-grandparents are buried there.

Rep. Kaptur drafted the Verkhovna Rada-Congress Agreement and created the Anastasia Fund - named after her mother - a foundation for underprivileged Ukrainians.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 9, 2005, No. 41, Vol. LXXIII

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