Chicago parish commemorates 60th anniversary of the end of World War II

by Oksana Melnyk and Adam Yurkiw

CHICAGO - St. Joseph's Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago on Sunday, September 4, hosted a stirring commemoration in honor of the 60th Anniversary of V-J Day, the end of World War II. Several hundred people from the Ukrainian and American communities attended. Among them were a number of World War II veterans, some of whom were Ukrainians.

Ukrainian American Veterans Post 32, under the leadership of Post Commander Lt. Col. Walter Chyterbok (Ret.) conducted the ceremony. They read a proclamation from President George W. Bush and a letter of greetings from Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois.

The Rev. Pavlo Hayda, pastor of St. Joseph's, served as master of ceremonies. He led the singing of the American and Ukrainian national anthems, and read an excerpt from a prayer by Roland Faulk, senior chaplain of the U.S. Navy, which was offered aboard the USS Missouri during the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945.

Representing Illinois State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka was Military Affairs Coordinator Lt. Col. James M. O'Rourke Sr., who greeted the veterans with a very moving speech.

Post Commander Chyterbok then asked for a moment of silence. Six marine re-enactors expertly re-created the historic flag-raising at Iwo Jima. Lt. Col. O'Rourke placed a wreath at the base of the "living statue" and saluted, and a bugler played taps.

World War II veterans came up to be recognized and were presented with special commemorative badges. Among them was Ukrainian veteran Michael Numerowski, who had fought at Iwo Jima. Mr. Numerowski, who was drafted as a teenager, said that 5,000 marines were lost on the island.

Afterwards, parishioners served hot dogs and hamburgers, and roasted a pig. A live band played World War II-era music and there was a sing-along and a jitterbug contest. Strangers became friends, and soon were part of one big happy family.

This event was the first of many that are being held in honor of St. Joseph Parish's 50th anniversary, which will be celebrated in 2006.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 23, 2005, No. 43, Vol. LXXIII

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