Quotable notes

"The government has failed to become transparent. It doesn't respond to criticism. Sure, you can criticize it now more easily, you know you won't get arrested or killed, but it's not making any difference. Freedom of speech is just one part of a democratic society: The authorities have to respond to it. Otherwise, it's one-way traffic."

- Serhii Leschenko, a journalist with Ukrayinska Pravda, as quoted in an October 18 story by Kateryna Khinkulova for BBC News.

"... Unfortunately, the declared maidan values did not materialize in the deeds of people entrusted with people's hopes. The majority of the ruling team that rode the wave of the revolution did not realize who they owe their success to.

"Businessmen, who occupied the offices on Hrushevsky and Bankova streets, firmly believe even now that their paths were paved with the millions of dollars spent on the revolution, but not with the millions of Ukrainians at the streets. ..."

- Mykola Tomenko, former vice prime minister in the Tymoshenko Cabinet, writing in the September 30 issue of Ukrayinska Pravda.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 30, 2005, No. 44, Vol. LXXIII

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