Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate host annual pilgrimage in Sloatsburg

by Helen Labinsky

SLOATSBURG, N.Y. - The Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate hosted a beautiful and memorable weekend program making 51 years of dedicated celebrations honoring the Mother of God on her feast day, the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.

The weekend celebration on August 13-14 for Christian pilgrims was filled with beautiful Ukrainian rite liturgies, making it convenient for everyone to attend liturgy, moleben to the Mother of God, Akathistos to the Dormition in Ukrainian and in English, Dormition vespers, a panakhyda (requiem service) for the deceased pilgrims who fell asleep in the Lord during the past year, holy water blessing, anointing of families and of the sick, blessing of flowers and fragrant herbs, and blessing of departing pilgrims.

Four excellent workshops were presented at 1-3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon by eloquent clergy.

The highlight of the celebration was the pontifical divine liturgy concelebrating by bishops and priests on Sunday at 10 a.m., starting with traditional procession to the grotto.

Confessions were available for the pilgrims during the entire weekend.

Food was served at the pavilion on Saturday afternoon and evening and all day Sunday by the League of Ukrainian Catholics, whose members came from New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New York state (as far away as Buffalo) and many friends, relatives and other generous volunteers of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.

So once again, another beautiful celebration was hosted by the sisters, many new friends were made and many, many beautiful memories were added to the experiences of pilgrims.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 30, 2005, No. 44, Vol. LXXIII

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