Ukrainian American Veterans hold 58th National Convention

by Walter Bodnar
UAV National Adjutant

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - The Ukrainian National Association's estate, Soyuzivka, was the site of the 58th National Convention of the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV) from September 29 to October 2. The convention was run by the UAV national board with Immediate Past National Commander Mathew Koziak chairing the convention committee.

Due to the fact that at the previous UAV convention in 2004 national executive board officers were elected for a two-year term, the next election of officers will be held at the 59th UAV National Convention in 2006.

The weekend also maked the 31st Convention of the UAV National Ladies Auxiliary, with Oksana Koziak elected as the new president. Outgoing UAV/NLA president Helen Drabyk received a citation and a standing ovation for her devoted leadership and dedication to the UAV.

On the eve of the convention, on Friday, September 29, the UAV national executive board held an informal meeting which dealt mainly with correspondence and agenda items that needed to be addressed. The 58th UAV National Convention officially started on Saturday, September 30, and UAV National Commander Anna Krawczuk led the opening ceremony. UAV National Chaplain Dorothy Budacki read the opening prayer, which was followed by a formal roll call by National Adjutant Walter Bodnar.

In her brief opening remarks, Commander Krawczuk welcomed all the delegates, members of the Ladies Auxiliary and guests and recognized the guest speaker, UAV Post 101 member Oksana Xenos, Esq. (LTC-Ret, JAGC, USAR) whose presentation "Dos and Don'ts For Veteran Organizations" was on the agenda in the morning session.

The Ukrainian American Veterans have an IRS war veterans status under IRS Code 501 (c) 19 and Ms. Xenos, who is an attorney and tax law specialist on tax-exempt organizations with the IRS Rulings and Agreements Office in Washington, explained in detail this IRS determination. Her subject matter was of great interest to the delegates; the many questions posed and detailed answers provided attested to that.

Mrs. Drabyk, president of the UAV National Ladies Auxiliary, thanked everyone for supporting various fund-raisers and announced that, as in prior years, UAV National Ladies Auxiliary will continue to donate to the UAV welfare and scholarship programs. The auxiliary was also in charge of the registration of delegates.

Financial and activity reports were given by: Finance Officer Wasyl Liscynecky, Quartermaster Stephen Kostecki, Welfare Officer Myroslaw Pryjma, Scholarship Officer Nicholas Skirka. UAV registration plus UAV National Monument Committee financials were presented by Mrs. Krawczuk. After respective discussions, all the reports were accepted.

National Commander Krawczuk's report included an analysis of the state of the UAV, membership and activities. She also emphasized the importance of ongoing projects: UAV registration and the UAV National Monument, with special attention given to the UAV's pursuit of a federal charter and bill H.R. 769 now pending in the U.S. Congress.

Mrs. Krawczuk also informed those present that the 58th UAV Convention journal was dedicated to American troops fighting the war on terror.

After acceptance of the national commander's report it was time for committee deliberations.

On October 1, the morning agenda included UAV national board officers' activity reports. Reporting were: Vice Commander Walter Michajliw; Adjutant Bodnar; Judge Advocate Michael Demchuk; Chaplain/Service Officer Budacki; Historian Vasyl Luchkiw, PNC; as well as Michael Wowk, who is in charge of public relations; Walter Demetro, webmaster/Tribune/federal charter and UAV National Monument Committee Co-Chair Mathew Koziak, PNC. Their committee reports were accepted, including that of Mr. Wowk's, who chaired the website and Tribune committee.

The Resolutions Committee was chaired by Past National Commander Atanas Kobryn, and the convention accepted the following:

"We, Ukrainian American Veterans, assembled at our 58th National Convention held at the Ukrainian National Estate Soyuzivka in Kerhonkson, N.Y., on September 29 to October 2, hereby resolve:

"58-1: to support the United States government in the pursuit of peace and democracy throughout the world through the elimination of the global terrorist network;

"58-2: to support American men and women in uniform, especially those now serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, and appeal to our government and the U.S. Congress to provide them with all necessary means to complete their mission;

"58-3: to appeal to the U.S. government and Congress to provide the necessary funding for the support of quality of life standards of military families and for continuation of quality services by veterans' hospitals and clinics;

"58-4: to express our concern for the regions affected by the recent natural disasters; and to appeal to the UAV members and general public to do everything in their power to assist the victims of those disasters.

"58-5: to appeal to all American veterans of Ukrainian heritage to register in the UAV Registration Project and to become members of the Ukrainian American Veterans, Inc."

The convention banquet was chaired by Mr. Skirka. First on the agenda was installation of the new president of UAV National Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Koziak, which was officiated by Past National Commander Sagasz. Mr. Sagasz also introduced and welcomed the UAV national executive board officers.

Convention chair Mr. Koziak welcomed everyone and introduced the banquet's master of ceremonies, Col. Leonid Kondratiuk of UAV Post 31 in Boston. After proper introductions at the head table, Mr. Kondratiuk called upon Commander Krawczuk to read the message received from President George W. Bush. Greetings from Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and others were read by the master of ceremonies.

Messages from New York Gov. George Pataki, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Ukrainian National Women's League of America and the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and UCCA were printed in the journal.

After dinner there were more formalities, including a brief speech by the UAV national commander when she asked for a moment of silence for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice - giving their lives in the war on terror, and asked all to remember the victims of hurricane Katrina and Rita who did not survive.

The commander also underlined that this year was the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II and she thanked UAV World War II members for their courage and service.

Mrs. Krawczuk concluded by noting: "The end of World War II in 1945 brought a close to this colossal war, but it did not bring freedom to the Ukrainian nation. Instead, it brought further tyranny and more suffering. It was not until 1991 and the break-up of the Soviet Union that Ukraine became a sovereign state. It took another 14 years for democracy to take root. However, Ukrainian freedom fighters did not die in vain, and millions of Ukrainian people did not perish in vain. Today, they are being honored in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, and remembered as great warriors and patriots."

The main event of the evening was the presentation of engraved certificates to the UAV's World War II veterans in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Outgoing UAV Ladies Auxiliary President Drabyk received a special citation, and Past National Commander Eugene Sagasz was recognized for his dedication to the Ukrainian American Veterans and as national installation officer at many UAV conventions.

At the end, the master of ceremonies called upon UAV Post 301 Commander John Tkachuk to play taps.

The evening continued with music by the Lviviany, and dancing and socializing by the assembled veterans and guests.

For information about the activities of the Ukrainian American Veterans readers may log on to or write to: Ukrainian American Veterans, P.O. Box 172, Holmdel, NJ 07733.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 6, 2005, No. 45, Vol. LXXIII

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