OSCE coordinator assesses disposal of Ukraine's rocket fuel

KYIV - In a meeting on October 21 with Ukraine's defense minister, Anatolii Hrytsenko, OSCE Project Coordinator James Schumaker handed over the final assessment on the disposal of Ukraine's liquid rocket fuel storage sites and discussed social adaptation projects for discharged military personnel, as well as other issues of mutual interest.

The completion of the assessment marks the end of Phase I of an initiative supported by the OSCE project coordinator in Ukraine which aims at eliminating more than 16,000 tons of a highly unstable and toxic rocket fuel component known as "Mélange." Phase II of the project will focus on budgeting, fund-raising and conducting a tender to select contractors.

Ambassador Schumaker and Minister Hrytsenko also discussed current programs for retraining discharged military officers, and a joint plan by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the Labor and Social Policy Ministry, and the OSCE Project Coordinator's Office to found a resource and career center for discharged Ukrainian military personnel. The center, scheduled to be operational by late 2005, will provide information, and employment and legal assistance to Ukraine's 30,000 military personnel slated for discharge by the end of 2005 as part of ongoing military reform.

Finally, Ambassador Schumaker and Minister Hrytsenko discussed potential assistance by the OSCE to help clean up the Novobohdanivka ammunition site in Ukraine's Zaporizhia region.

Ukraine's defense minister very positively assessed the activities of the Project Coordinator's Office in Ukraine, and both officials agreed to remain in close contact on the implementation of current projects.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 20, 2005, No. 47, Vol. LXXIII

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