EU grants Ukraine market economy status

by Yana Sedova
Kyiv Press Bureau

KYIV - In a major step toward Ukraine's accession to the European Union, EU leaders announced on December 1 that Ukraine has finally earned market economy status.

"Ukraine has inspired the people all over the world for the past year," European Council President Tony Blair told a press conference at the ninth EU-Ukraine Summit. "Everybody still watches your progress and the process of change here with a lot of respect, admiration and solidarity for you."

Accompanying Mr. Blair at the summit were EU Council of Ministers Secretary General Javier Solana and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

The EU leaders cited significant progress in implementing the EU-Ukraine Action Plan signed by the leaders on February 21. Ukraine carried out five of six obligations it faced in Strasbourg, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said.

The EU leaders said they believe Ukraine will gain entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2006, however, Mr. Blair stressed "this is a mission that should be shared by a country, not only by its leader." The WTO battles in Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada have allowed only 65 percent of the necessary legislation to pass.

EU leaders lauded Mr. Yushchenko's government for successfully promoting economic reforms, respect for human rights and shared values of democracy.

"You can rest assured that in that progress toward a shared future, the European Union and the countries like the U.K. will be your partners," Mr. Blair said.

EU leaders favored Ukraine's decision to continue visa-free travel for EU citizens and said this visa regime is a long-term goal.

Mr. Yushchenko and EU leaders signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the energy sector, which will help the Ukrainian energy market as its integrates with the European Union.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 4, 2005, No. 49, Vol. LXXIII

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