A CALL TO ACTION: Urge the House to graduate Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik

The Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition, with over 65 member-organizations and businesses, needs your support to encourage the U.S. Congress to pass legislation to graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment this year. The amendment was passed in 1974 to impose trade restrictions on the Soviet Union in response to its poor human rights policies, particularly its restrictions on the emigration of religious minorities. Ukraine is a success story for Jackson-Vanik, now having a strong record of open emigration and having created conditions for religious minorities to practice their beliefs freely.

Recognizing Ukraine's full compliance with the amendment, the U.S. Senate acted to graduate Ukraine from the trade restriction on November 18 by passing Senate bill S. 632.

Now the House of Representatives must also pass legislation to graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment. The House Ways and Means Committee is currently considering several possible bills. However, the House of Representatives will be in session for only two weeks, beginning on December 5, before recessing for the holidays.

The Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition Co-Chairmen sent a letter on November 30 to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas and Ranking Minority Member Charles B. Rangel, urging their action to pass legislation to graduate Ukraine (see text below). The coalition urges that readers to immediately call or send a letter of support for Ukraine's graduation as well.

Due to increased security measures in Congress, correspondence through the postal service can be delayed for up to two weeks. We therefore recommend that you call or send letters via fax. You can find a list of suggested points to address in your letter of support on the US-Ukraine Foundation website, www.usukraine.org, by clicking on the link for the "Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition Information Page."

Please e-mail [email protected] for more information or to add your organization or business to the Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition.


Please direct your calls/letters to:

House Ways and Means Committee
Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.)
Phone, (202) 225-2915
Fax, (202) 225-8798
Attention: International Trade Aide Mike Holland

Ranking Minority Member Charles B. Rangel, (D-N.Y.)
Phone, (202) 225-4365
Fax, (202) 225-0816
Attention: International Trade Aide Jon Sheiner

If your congressman is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, please contact him/her with your support for Ukraine's graduation as well.

House Ways and Means Committee Members: E. Clay Shaw Jr. (R- Fla.), Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn.), Wally Herger (R-Calif.), Jim McCrery (R-La.), Dave Camp (R-Mich.), Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.), Jim Nussle (R-Iowa), Sam Johnson (R-Texas), Phil English (R-Pa.), J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.), Jerry Weller (R-Ill.), Kenny C. Hulshof (R-Mo.), Ron Lewis (R-Ky.), Mark Foley (R-Fla.), Kevin Brady (R-Texas), Thomas M. Reynolds (R-N.Y.), Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Eric Cantor (R-Va.), John Linder (R-Ga.), Bob Beauprez (R-Colo.), Melissa A. Hart (R-Pa.), Chris Chocola (R-Ind.), Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Fortney Pete Stark (D-Calif.), Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.), Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.), Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), John Lewis (D-Ga.), Richard E. Neal )D-Mass.), Michael R. McNulty (D-N.Y.), William J. Jefferson (D-La.), John S. Tanner (D-Tenn.), Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), Earl Pomeroy (D-N.D.), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio), Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), John B. Larson (D-Conn.), Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 4, 2005, No. 49, Vol. LXXIII

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