IN THE PRESS: Ottawa Citizen writes of "Headache for Ignatieff"

The Ottawa Citizen, in an editorial headlined "Headache for Ignatieff," published on November 29, wrote in part:

"The federal Liberal Party clearly wants Michael Ignatieff, the he-man of Harvard, to be its candidate in Etobicoke-Lakeshore.

"Two others tried to file their papers by the short deadline the party imposed after the incumbent suddenly bowed out; they had to slip their documents under a locked office door. Angry allies of the sidelined candidates are drawing attention to Mr. Ignatieff's 1993 book on nationalism, 'Blood and Belonging,' in which the descendant of Russian nobles disparaged Ukrainian protests in 1960s Toronto and recalled his own youthful belief in the absurdity of Ukrainian independence.

"We shouldn't hold Mr. Ignatieff's childhood understandings of world politics against him, but even in 1993 he was skeptical that Ukrainian nationalism was 'real.' So Ukrainian Canadians, who claim to make up half the Etobicoke-Lakeshore riding association, are literally protesting in the street. One news release calls Mr. Ignatieff 'a virulent Ukrainophobe.' ..."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 4, 2005, No. 49, Vol. LXXIII

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