Shevchenko Society announces winners of Orange Revolution essay contest

NEW YORK - In the spring of 2005, the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) announced a competition open to all undergraduates at U.S. and European colleges and universities for essays that honor the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The essays had to be at least 1,500 and no more than 4,000 words long.

The submitted manuscripts were evaluated by a jury composed of Profs. Taras Hunczak, Alexander Motyl and Martha B. Trofimenko - all members of the NTSh Governing Board.

First place and a prize of $500 were won by Nicole Shantz of the John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, for her essay titled "The Orange Revolution and Democratic Change in Ukraine."

Second place was won by Andrew Rago of the Catholic University of America for his essay "Ukraine 2004 Elections Hold Key to Economic Growth." The essay was awarded $400 each.

There was a threeway tie for third place among Drew Bliss (Purdue University), Matthew J. Kramer (Purdue University) and Roxolana Wynar (University of Denver). They received $300 each.

By way of exception, a special honorable mention prize of $150 was awarded to Pavlo Levkiv, a 10th grader from the Newark Academy in New Jersey.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 11, 2005, No. 50, Vol. LXXIII

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