Shevchenko Society organizes roundtables at AAASS

NEW YORK - At this year's annual convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), which took place November 3-6 in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Shevchenko Scientific Society (known by its Ukrainian acronym as NTSh), which is an associate member of the AAASS, organized and conducted two roundtables.

The first roundtable, titled "Inter-Slavic Post-Soviet Cultural Influences: The Case of Ukraine," was chaired by Prof. Taras Hunczak (Rutgers University and NTSh), with the participation of Dr. Larissa Onyshkevych (NTSh), Dr. Myroslava Mudrak (University of Ohio), Prof. Virko Baley (University of Nevada) and Prof. Vasyl Makhno (NTSh).

The second roundtable, titled "Facing Globalization? Cultural/Linguistic Influences of Neighboring Countries on the Ukrainian Language in the Post-Soviet Period," was chaired by Dr. Onyshkevych, with the participation of Prof. Vira Andrushkiw (U.S.-Ukraine Foundation), Dr. Laada Bilaniuk (University of Washington), Prof. Yuri Shevchuk (Columbia University) and Prof. Alexander Tsiovkh (University of Kansas).

In addition to the NTSh roundtables, the convention also had seven separate panels and other roundtables, as well as five individual presentations dedicated to Ukrainian topics.

Following a meeting of the American Association of Ukrainian Studies at the convention, NTSh hosted a reception for those interested in an exchange of ideas on Ukrainian subjects.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 25, 2005, No. 52, Vol. LXXIII

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