Press response to the Zuk Duo

"Music Brings Joy to the City of Spring as the Zuk Duo Ends Concert Tour on a Note of Perfection" - was the headline on a review, penned by Liu Guizhi, which appeared in the newspaper Evening News of Chun-cheng (City of Spring) on November 21. Below are excerpts.

The Zuk Piano Duo appeared in concert in the city of Kunming, showing a world-class standard in piano performance.

The evening's performance was the final concert given by the piano duo, in a series of masterful piano performances and other music activities held in Kunming. Kunming is one of several stops on the duo's first performance tour in China.

He Wei, piano professor at the University of Performing Arts of Yunnan, spoke highly of the Zuk Duo's concert performance, noting that the superb quality of the performance was not merely manifested in the pianists' excellent skills and technique, but also in the expression of their great enthusiasm and passion for music.

Young students of piano have benefited greatly from such a masterful performance and the concert provided the audience of the City of Spring with an excellent opportunity to enjoy a wonderful musical feast.

The students and the many fans and admirers conveyed their impressions in comments made after the concert to this reviewer generally noting that the Professors Zuk's music accomplishments and excellence in piano performance have greatly enhanced their enthusiasm for and their fascination with music.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 25, 2005, No. 52, Vol. LXXIII

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