Orthodox Church consecrates bishop for Western Europe

by Hieromonk Daniel Zelinsky

CHICAGO - Seven bishops of the Orthodox world, along with over 30 priests and deacons, gathered on December 13, 2005, at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago for the consecration of Bishop Andriy (Peshko) as a new bishop for Western Europe.

The ceremonies took place on the Feast Day of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle and founder of the Church in Ukraine, with the participation of several hundred faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Diaspora.

The consecration was the result of Archimandrite Andriy's election during the ninth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Diaspora, held on October 20-23, 2005, in London with the blessing of Metropolitan Constantine, prime hierarch. The sobor examined the vital concerns of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Prior to the convocation of the sobor, the Standing Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine held its annual meeting. The bishops' conference nominated Archimandrite Andriy for the position of bishop for Western Europe, whose seat will be in the British capital.

Bishop Andriy (secular name: Bohdan Peshko) was born on April 27, 1972, in western Ukraine. Following the completion of his elementary and high school education, he enrolled in the St. Petersburg Spiritual Seminary in 1989, completing his seminary education in 1993.

He then came to the United States and enrolled at Christ the Savior Seminary of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church, Johnstown, Pa., for a year of post-graduate study. He returned to Ukraine and completed the post-graduate course of theological studies at the Kyiv Theological Academy, receiving his master's degree in 1999. In 2000 he received the academic status of a doctoral candidate in Orthodox theology.

After returning to the United States, he was ordained to the deaconate on April 8, 2001, by Archbishop Vsevolod at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago. In 2004 Deacon Bohdan was tonsured as a monk and took the name Andriy. On September 29 of that year Archbishop Vsevolod ordained Monk Andriy to the holy priesthood with the rank of ihumen.

On October 21, 2005, during the London Sobor, Metropolitan Constantine elevated Ihumen Andriy to the rank of archimandrite.

On December 12, 2005, again in St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, many clergy and faithful witnessed the "Engagement" Service during which Bishop-elect Andriy pronounced his confession of faith and his dedication and commitment to Christ our Lord and the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church and his promise to serve faithfully as bishop of London and Western Europe of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Diaspora.

Presiding over this service was Metropolitan Constantine, along with Metropolitan Nicholas of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., Archbishop Vsevolod, Western Eparch U.O.C. of U.S.A., Archbishop Yurij, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; and Archbishop Job of the Orthodox Church in America.

Following the service, Archimandrite Andriy spoke to the hierarchs, clergy and faithful present expressing his deep spiritual gratitude to them and to the Lord with the words: "In the life of every individual there occur moments when the Providence of God most clearly reveals to them that 'the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way' (Psalm 36:23). Standing before you today, I should speak about the fear and nervousness, which fill my soul when I contemplate my future episcopal service for which I am unworthy. I ask for your profound prayers for me in that unworthiness."

On December 13, 2005, the Chicago cathedral was crowded with clergy and faithful, who gathered to participate in the divine liturgy and the consecration of the new bishop. The service was presided over by Metropolitan Constantine, concelebrating with: Archbishops Antony and Vsevolod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., Archbishop Yurij of the UOC of Canada, Metropolitan Nicholas of the Carpatho-Rusyn Church, Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church (Bucharest Patriarchate), Archbishop Job of the Orthodox Church of America and clergy of various Orthodox jurisdictions.

Also present in the cathedral were clergy from the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Chicago, Iakovos, as well as Archbishop Peter of the Russian Orthodox Church in Exile, who arrived later in the service.

In particular, among the clergy participating in the Liturgy were the Very Rev. Bohdan Matwijczuk, administrator of the Church in Great Britain of England and the Rev. Vitalij Derewianka of Belgium, both representing the Western Europe Eparchy.

Prior to presenting the newly consecrated bishop with his episcopal staff, Metropolitan Constantine stated: "The flock entrusted to you in Great Britain and Western Europe, a flock which is composed of sons and daughters of post-World War II and post-Soviet waves of immigration, awaits you and is hopeful that in all things you will be a living icon of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ the Son of God, Who invites us to personal holiness. Be, for these people, a good shepherd, a living icon of Christ, a channel of Grace and Truth."

In thanking Metropolitan Constantine for his guiding words and after presenting him with an icon of the Pochaiv Mother of God, Bishop Andriy delivered his first address to the clergy and faithful. He said: "Today, when the Holy Church gloriously honors the memory of Saint Andrew the First Called Apostle - the apostle of our Ukraine - a new page in my life has opened. My great joy lies in the fact that my episcopal consecration has occurred within the walls of this magnificent cathedral, a cathedral dear to my heart, in Chicago, which has become home and has taken place among those who are dear to my heart."

At the banquet in cathedral's parish hall, on behalf of St. Volodymyr Cathedral parish board of administration, parishioners and quests, the newly consecrated bishop was greeted by Volodymyr Pawelchak, an editor of the Chas i Podii weekly newspaper.

Bishop Andriy was further greeted by parishioners of local parish communities from the Chicago area; the consul general of Ukraine in Chicago, Oleh Shevchenko; the president of Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, Bohdan Watral; and the president of the cathedral choir Boian, Yaroslaw Vorozhbyt.

The banquet concluded with a performance by vocal duo of Oksana Savchuk and Ivan Kavaciuk, who carry the title, "Folk Artists of Ukraine." Following the concert, all in attendance sang for Bishop Andriy a traditional Ukrainian "Mnohaya Lita" - God grant you many years.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 1, 2006, No. 1, Vol. LXXIV

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