Mathematics competition honors Prof. Joseph W. Andrushkiw

SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. - The 20th annual Joseph W. Andrushkiw Mathematics Competition was held at Seton Hall University in South Orange here on November 19, 2005. It was attended by 273 students from 30 high schools in the state. Prof. Andrushkiw died in 1984, but his memory lives on in the competition named for this beloved teacher and mentor. He was born in Ukraine where he studied mathematics, receiving a master's degree. He completed his doctorate in Germany, after World War II. He then emigrated to the U.S. and eventually began teaching at Seton Hall University.

This year, on the 20th anniversary of the mathematics competition, Prof. Andrushkiw's son, Roman, a mathematics professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology, and his grandson, Paul, were in attendance to award the prizes to the winning students.

Taking first prize was Meryl Federman, a junior from Livingston High School. Livingston High School also won the team award.

Second and third place were won, respectively, by Alex Yang of West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North and Jian Li of Livingston High School.

In the team category, West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North came in second, while West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South was third.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 8, 2006, No. 2, Vol. LXXIV

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