Last Tu-22M strategic bomber eliminated in Ukraine

POLTAVA, Ukraine - The last Tu-22M strategic bomber was eliminated on January 27 at Poltava Air Base under the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program.

"I think we can all agree that, through our cooperative efforts, the CTR Program has enjoyed considerable success here in Ukraine," stated U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John E. Herbst during the elimination ceremony in Poltava.

"But, these combined efforts have accomplished much more than just the elimination of weapons, delivery systems and infrastructure. They have clearly demonstrated Ukraine's commitment to international peace and stability and enhanced Ukraine's standing as a nation willing to play its part in the global war on terrorism and as a reliable partner in arms control efforts," the ambassador said.

At a press conference commemorating this event, Doug Englund, the acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for chemical demilitarization and threat reduction programs, commended Ukraine for its steadfast support of this and the other strategic nuclear arms elimination programs. "The elimination of the last Tu-22M Backfire bomber represents a significant milestone in both the relationship between Ukraine and the United States, and in the elimination of a weapon of mass destruction," Mr. Englund said.

In October 1993 the United States and Ukraine signed the CTR Umbrella Agreement for the elimination of strategic nuclear arms. Sixty bombers have been eliminated under this $12 million program since January 2001.

Using elimination methods specified in the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) arms control treaty, high-speed saws cut off the nose of the bomber and hydraulic shears cut through the tail. The metal is cut into smaller pieces and sold as scrap metal; the equipment is sent to another military base, where the precious metals are recovered and sold. All funds received from these activities are used by Ukraine to provide housing for retired military officers.

Through the CTR program, the U.S. Department of Defense is assisting the Ministry of Defense and the National Space Agency of Ukraine with the elimination of strategic aircraft and air-to-surface missiles and with the storage of SS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile solid propellant rocket motors.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency implements the CTR program which prevents the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and related materials, technologies and expertise from former Soviet Union states. This includes providing for the safe destruction of Soviet era WMD, associated delivery systems and related infrastructure.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 5, 2006, No. 6, Vol. LXXIV

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