Ukrainian American Association of University Professors elects officers

by Assya Humesky

KENT, Ohio - In December 2005 members of the Ukrainian American Association of University Professors (UAAUP), voting by mail, elected a new board of directors, headed by Lubomyr Wynar of Kent State University, president.

Also elected were: Assya Humesky (University of Michigan), first vice-president; Vsevolod Isajiw (University of Toronto), second vice-president; Z. Lew Melnyk (University of Cincinnati), third vice-president; Myron Melnyk (Kent State University), secretary-treasurer and director of research endowment.

Other members of the board include: Yaroslav Bilinsky (University of Delaware), John Fizer (Rutgers University), Wasyl Janishevsky (University of Toronto), Janna Ratych (Rutgers University), Martha Trofimenko (University of Delaware) and Russel Zhmuta (University of Missouri).

Auditing board members are: Osyp Martyniuk (Kent State University) and Yuri Chakovsky (Community College, Cleveland).

The UAAUP brings together Ukrainian university professors of the United States and Canada and cooperates with various universities in Ukraine. Its members regularly participate in international congresses and conferences. The UAAUP Research Endowment fund supports publications of its members as well as other worthy scholarly projects on Ukrainian subjects. The UAAUP is a member of the Scholarly Council of the Ukrainian World Congress.

In 2006 the association is planning a conference on the English-language textbooks dealing with Ukrainian subjects which are used in U.S. and Canadian universities. It will also be represented at the international conferences on Ukrainian subjects.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 12, 2006, No. 7, Vol. LXXIV

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