The 2006 Elections in Ukraine

Since Ukraine's proclamation of renewed independence in 1991, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) has been actively assisting the land of our forefathers to develop strong democratic principles and an open vibrant civic society. Especially important was the UCCA's appeal for a free, fair and open electoral process during Ukraine's turbulent presidential elections of 2004. We remained vigilant and sent to Ukraine the largest registered delegation of international election observers.

This year, Ukraine will hold parliamentary elections on March 26. In many respects, these elections are new for Ukraine. Because of the changes to the Constitution, the Ukrainian Parliament will play a more important role in governing the state. Considering these changes, we, as a Ukrainian American community, have a responsibility before the Ukrainian people to inform the population about the electoral changes and, thus, to make the most knowledgeable decision. Our goal is to ensure the elections are conducted in the most free and fair manner.

To fulfill its obligations, the UCCA is planning to implement a pre-electoral project in Ukraine, within the framework of a series of town hall meetings that will allow the voters to get better acquainted with representatives of Ukraine's political parties. As in previous years, the UCCA is also appealing to the Ukrainian American community to serve as international election observers. Detailed information regarding the registration of international elections observers is located on our website at

Our work has already begun. To finance its activities, the UCCA relies on the Ukrainian community's donations. Your generous contributions greatly assist Ukraine and our community in the United States to achieve successful results. The UCCA election projects in the past have gained international attention, thus we request your financial support to implement our newest civic education program in Ukraine. Your generous donations will make a difference! Kindly contribute to "UCCA - Election Fund '06" and mail your donation to: Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, 203 Second Ave., New York, NY 10003.

Our sincerest gratitude to all UCCA contributors.

On behalf of the UCCA executive board:
Michael Sawkiw Jr., president
Marie Duplak, executive secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 26, 2006, No. 9, Vol. LXXIV

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