Ukraine's new ambassador addresses Famine-Genocide committee

by Serhiy Zhykharev
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

NEW YORK - Ukraine's new ambassador to the United States, Dr. Oleh Shamshur, attended a meeting of the Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933, which was held on Saturday, February 4, in the conference room of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America at 203 Second Ave.

The chairman of the Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933, Michael Sawkiw Jr., greeted Ambassador Shamshur and welcomed the Ukrainian government's recent measures to turn the world's attention to the genocide that occurred in Ukraine nearly 75 years ago.

"Indeed, President [Viktor] Yushchenko's first public speech after his inauguration last year," stated Mr. Sawkiw, "dealt with the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 and how the Ukrainian people must learn the truth about its circumstances. Furthermore President Yushchenko raised the Ukrainian genocide on the world forum when he addressed the United Nations General Assembly in September 2005."

The Ukrainian ambassador thanked the committee for the invitation to attend its deliberations and to address its participants. "The world must understand that this was a genocide against the Ukrainian people," stated Ambassador Shamshur.

The ambassador also thanked the Ukrainian American community for its diligent efforts in advocating a monument to the victims of the Ukrainian Genocide on federal land in Washington. "Your hard efforts were fruitful," continued Ambassador Shamshur, "and together with the Ukrainian government we will leave a lasting legacy for all in Washington to see."

Following the ambassador's initial comments, participants at the meeting were afforded an opportunity to ask questions. Many issues of concern were broached, including the upcoming Ukrainian parliamentary elections, the gas crisis between Ukraine and Russia, relations with the West, and general economic reform in Ukraine. The ambassador answered in a very open and cordial manner.

Also present at the meeting of the Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-193 was Askold Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC). In his greeting and message to Ambassador Shamshur, Mr. Lozynskyj spoke of the various issues of concern to the Ukrainian diaspora worldwide, in particular the upcoming parliamentary elections, but also about the envoy's important duty and role in Washington.

"Your work here [in the United States] may not be easy at times," stated Mr. Lozynskyj, "but rest assured that we, the Ukrainian diaspora, look forward to working with you and wish you the best of fortunes in your new post."

Following the ambassador's remarks, the Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 formed various subcommittees to begin its work in preparation for the 75th anniversary commemoration in 2008 of the Ukrainian Genocide. The commissions formed include: Fund-Raising; Marketing; Media; Organizational; Duranty; Financial; Program/Exhibit; Building/Planning; and Scholarly.

Each subcommittee is to develop an action plan for commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide.

The Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 requests that individuals interested in being involved with the planning and coordination of the upcoming 75th anniversary preparations contact its chairman at [email protected].

Future meetings of the Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 and its subcommittees will be announced in the Ukrainian press.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 26, 2006, No. 9, Vol. LXXIV

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